NPP Primaries: Ellembelle delegates accuse candidate of deceit

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Thu, 12 Sep 2019 Source: Obrempong Yaw

Some delegates in the Ellembelle constituency of the Western Region are accusing one of the candidates in the party’s upcoming parliamentary elections, Anna Horma Akaisi Miezah of deceit. According to them, Horma Akaisi Miezah, the current Western Regiona Treasurer of the NPP, who is entering the race for the first time has been giving untruthful accounts on where in the Ellembelle constituency she has been voting in past elections.

“Caught on tape”

At a press conference organized by Concerned Delegates of the Ellembelle Constituency on Wednesday, leader of the group Awulae Blay explained that, Anna Horma Akasi Miezah was captured on tape informing delegates in the northern part of the constituency that she is a registered voter in the constituency and that she voted at the Ekwe Catholic Primary Pooling Station in the constituency in the 2016 general elections.

“My elders please disregard information going round that I am not a voter in the constituency. I am a registered voter who cast my ballot in the 2016 polls at the Ekwe Catholic Primary Pooling station”. Anna Horma was heard saying in an audio tape which was played at the press briefing.

This statement according to the delegates is in contravention with evidence obtained from the Electoral Commission”.

A registered voter in Madina constituency, not Ellembelle

Leader of the group Awulae Blay at the press conference projected graphic evidence of both 2012 and 2016 voters register and stated that “In the 2012 final voters register, the then Asante-Asare Anna Horma did not have her name in the voters register for the Ellembelle constituency.

Her name, we rather found, at the Evangelistic Charismatic Ministry pooling station in the Madina Constituency of the Greater Accra Region. We did same search in the 2016 final voters register and we also discovered that she registered and voted at the Madina constituency”.

“What is more? We searched throughout the pooling stations in Ekwe, extended it to the constituency for both 2012 and 2016 general elections and we did not find the Asante-Asare Anna Horma or the Anna Horma Akaisi Miezah she has on her posters in the register. This evidence is a public document and anyone can crosscheck from the Electoral Commission”. Mr. Blay added.

It contravenes provisions of NPP Constitution

Explaining why where a contestant votes matters in such elections, Mr. Blay quoted Article 12 Section five of the NPPs constitution to back their argument that “parliamentary contestants must be registered voters in the constituency in which they seek to represent”, something Anna Horma Akaisi Miezah in their view falls short of.

“Big party people want to impose her on us”

Mr. Blay who is a chairman in one of the pooling stations in the constituency continued that “if the “big people” wants to go contrary to the party constitution to present someone outside the constituency to us to vote for, they should make it clear to us that she does not vote in the constituency but they want to bring her for reasons best known to them. That way, we will be clear in our minds, rather than go round to say what is contrary to the truth”. Seeking mandate through deception.

The delegates who felt deceived maintained that “the NPP as a party believes in democracy. We believe that everyone should be given the chance to contest. In fact, it has been our principle and commitment to help qualified party members who present themselves up for leadership, and to support them to the last of it. However, members who try to seek our mandate through lies, forgery, dishonesty and deceit are not welcomed in any way whatsoever in Ellembelle. Why will any credible person, if not a liar and an imposter go around deceiving delegates with false information? Is this pathological liar the one who is seeking to lead our party?

We will vote against her

The delegates, numbering over hundred concluded that “how then do we even think of voting for a woman who has never voted in the constituency, neither has she ever transferred her votes to the western region, to come and lead the party which she knew nothing about how it was built? We delegates here gathered wouldn’t do that, and we entreat other colleagues not to commit same mistake. We patiently await the September 28th date where we will let her see her smoothness level”.

Source: Obrempong Yaw