Propaganda, hypocrisy killing Akatsi North – NPP

Ave Hevi Bore Hole Akatsi North The Ave-Hevi borehole

Fri, 22 Jul 2016 Source: Kafui Datsomor

The Akatsi North Deputy Communications Director for the New Patriotic Party (NPP), Mr. Erskine Dziwornu Nuku, has blamed the slow pace of development in the district on propaganda and hypocrisy of the local government officials, including the District Chief Executive (DCE).

Mr. Erskine Nuku said he could not fathom why government functionaries would choose to paint a nice picture about an area which is crying for development if not for propaganda and for the sake of looking for cheap popularity in the media.

According to Mr. Nuku, anybody who knows the area can attest to the fact that all is not well with the district and its residents, and further stated that, “Talk about jobs, we have none. You can only see boys boys on motor bikes doing okada for their daily bread. image1

How could a DCE say we have a palm oil processing factory, a pineapple juice processing factory and an irrigation farm when in fact there is nothing even close to all these in the district? If not for sheer propaganda, lies and hypocrisy, then I don’t know what it is.”

“I was at their so-called Akatsi North at 4 celebration recently. I see this celebration as an avenue just to create something for the pocket and to deceive the general public that all is well for the district. Traders don’t have good markets to sell their wares, our roads are bad and poverty is rising. Instead of telling the public the realities on the ground, you parade media people to help paint a picture that suggests as though under your regime, Akatsi North is well off. It is not only sad but also uncalled for”, the deputy communicator said.

“What mostly annoyed me is the issue of a borehole that the DCE claimed to have been constructed at Ave-Hevi by the District Assembly.

“The fact is that the said borehole is older than the district and the Mahama-led NDC administration. It was constructed by a philanthropist for the community a long time ago. It is worrying to hear leaders lie just to have people, who are oblivious of the facts, see them as good performers”, he added.

The Akatsi North District, through a legislative instrument, was carved out of the then Akatsi District in 2012 and Ave-Dakpa is the capital with Mr. James Gunu as the DCE.

Source: Kafui Datsomor