Sefwi NDC rioters apologise

NDC Party Electoral College Two

Thu, 29 Jan 2015 Source: Daily Guide

The Sefwi Wiawso constituency branch of the National Democratic Congress (NDC) seems to have been embarrassed by the barricading of the constituency office last Saturday by some youth activists of the party.

The youth activists were arrested by the police for their action to maintain law and order.

At an emergency meeting by the NDC at Sefwi Wiawso after the incident, officials of the party unanimously gave the aggrieved NDC youth activists a 48-hour ultimatum to render an unqualified apology to the party.

The officials maintained that failure to do so would compel them to distance themselves from the case at the police station in order that the law would take its course.

Frank Asare, the Youth Organiser of the NDC at Sefwi Wiawso, confirmed the meeting and the decision of the party’s constituency officers to DAILY GUIDE.

Meanwhile DAILY GUIDE has gathered that the arrested NDC youth were bailed by some party officials last Sunday.

According to sources, even though no official complaint was made before the arrest of the youth, the party was called upon to help get bail for them.

Some NDC foot soldiers at the Sefwi Wiawso constituency went on rampage last Saturday and locked up the party’s constituency office.

The irate NDC youth, DAILY GUIDE gathered, barricaded the party’s constituency office with pieces of wood and hanged pieces of red cloth in front of the building, signifying how aggrieved they were.

According to sources, the youth also attempted to destroy some property belonging to the party, but the timely intervention of the police in the area saved the situation.

It was reported that the visibly aggrieved NDC foot soldiers were arrested and placed in police custody for their alleged actions.

An NDC source at Sefwi Wiawso told DAILY GUIDE that the youth were protesting against the Member of Parliament (MP) for the area, Paul Evans Aidoo, who doubles as the Western Regional Minister.

According to the source, even though the youth had been voting for the party for a long time, the party and the MP had not done anything to improve the lives of the people in the constituency, particularly the youth.

“We don’t have jobs, our roads are bad and the people continue to wallow in abject poverty and the MP and the Municipal Chief Executive seem not to care,” one of the leaders of the youth complained.

This paper learnt that they therefore decided to embark on that action last Saturday since that was the only way they thought the party would realize how annoyed they were with the MP and the MCE, Santana.

“Our action is to send a signal to President John Mahama that the entire municipality and for that matter the NDC in the constituency, are no longer ready to work with the MP and the MCE,” one of the youth was reported to have remarked.

The NDC foot soldiers pointed out that ignoring the needs of the masses in Sefwi Wiawso was making the party unpopular in the municipality.

When DAILY GUIDE contacted the constituency youth organizer of the NDC, Frank Asare, he maintained that as at Saturday evening, the youth who barricaded the party’s office in the area, were still in police custody.

According to him, he was on a radio programme when he also heard the story and the fact that those who took the action had been arrested.

“So I had to wait till when they would be released so that they could state categorically why they took that action. However, the rumour is that they youth said they were disappointed with the administration of the MCE and the MP,” Frank Asare stated.

Source: Daily Guide