
10 Good Reasons Why President Mills Is Best Leader In Africa

Thu, 23 Jun 2011 Source: Ghanaians United for Progress and Change

We members of the Ghanaians United for Progress and Change in the Brong Ahafo Region agree with the assertion made by political pundits in Ghana and other opinion leaders in the world that President Mills indeed is the Best Leader in Africa and we give ten reasons why this is so.

1. Oil Export Flow meter machines used to measuring the actual level of oil exported can disappear for three months with the quantity of oil not known. President Mills is happy to prevent Ghana Revenue Authority officials from recording the correct amount of oil measured resulting in the massive theft of oil products. President Mills has also authorised 2% of oil proceeds to be paid into his party’s heroes fund

2. President Mills allowed Government Ministers such as Hannah Bissiw, Deputy Minister of Works and Housing , Samuel Fosu Ampofo , Minister of Local Government and Alfred Sugri Tia, Deputy Minister of Agriculture , to use state funds to build mansions in Techimantia, and Tema, Johnson Aseidu Nketia, NDC General Secretary has built huge mansions in Oyarifa outside Accra and Danyame in Kumasi, Aseidu Nketia also has the largest Block Construction factory in the Brong Ahafo Region which unfortunately is being used to manufacture blocks for private sale and into his pocket instead of being used to built the BUI DAM to provide electricity to millions of Ghanaians, Allegations have also been made against Mr Okudzeto Ablakwa ‘s purchase of a 4 bedroom house in the USA.

4 President Mills himself also acquired 24,000 hectares of land in the Karaga district with state funds which was revealed by the Ghanaian Chronicle. He has also failed to explain the deposit of 3 million dollars in a Swiss Bank account as reported last year by the British based Centre for Truth and Social Justice. He also gave a 48,000 dollars watch to the wife of President Obama. This is quite significant because as Vice President under ex President Rawlings and Head of the Economic Management Team, He gave 20 million Dollars to Sandra Cotton which was used to buy houses and for a wedding. Surely this is an excellent record befitting one of Africa’s best leader!

5. President Mills has done very well by supervising acts of lawlessness by NDC members and footsoldiers who have set offices ablaze around the country, locked up offices of National Health Insurance Officers , chased away DCEs and MCEs in Yendi, Wa, Effiduasi, Agona Swedru, Tamale and Nsawam Adoagyiri. the burning down of his own Party’s regional office in Tamale did not even provoke a response from him.

6. President Mills who is really a man of peace, has authorised the Police and Government agents to use tear gas, water cannons on innocent teachers, fishermen and nurses demonstrating for better working conditions. Nurses were abused by the Deputy Health Minister Rojo Mettle Nunoo, an NDC member of Parliament for Afram Plains North called teachers and drunkards,

7. The Bureau of National Investigations, the country’s internal security agency has had Journalists and individuals detained without legal representation for several hours, Judges and Magistrates such as Justice Abanga who is deceased, have been smeared with corruption without the opportunity to defend themselves. President Mills has said nothing and has actually supported these restrictive measures aimed at improving human rights in Ghana

8. President Mills seems to be doing wonderfully well as the prices of goods in Ghana are getting worse for the ordinary Ghanaian by the day. One only has to go to the market to find prices of goods changing like chameleons. The price of cement, rice, foodstuffs have increased by 20%, transport fares by 18%, taxes and import tariffs have increased by 20%, due to President Mills good policies, over half of the population of his own people are struggling to afford just to buy a single meal a day!

9. President Mills has also done well since unemployment especially among the youth has increased to 330,000 with our young graduates and students sitting at home with nothing to do. We are now a country sitting on a time bomb of joblessness and youth crime, lack of investment due to cuts in the capitation grant, reduction in the teachers salary, lack of learning material and lack of initiative to raise funds invest in quality educational facilities

10. President Mills has also done very well with the Country’s Electricity and Gas Shortages. Today there is Load shedding in critical parts of the country with major parts of the country in darkness. Since he came into office, He has presided over 12 Gas shortages in the capital Accra alone.

From the above we can see that President Mills is doing very well and on this performance, deserves a second term in office to continue with his good works.

Gariba Issahaku

Prince Osei Yeboah

Ghanaians United for Progress and Change



Ghanaians United for Progress and Change is a pressure group dedicated to promoting good governance and human rights in Ghana.

Columnist: Ghanaians United for Progress and Change