
2016: A Clean Ballot Or A Dirty Bullet

Tue, 1 Apr 2014 Source: Baffour, Francis


The first step is for the Akans from the four regions who make up about 55% of the population to know that they all have a common enemy—the 10% Ewes and their propaganda political wing the NDC with tactic to divide the Akans using Ashantis as a pretext and the ensuing diversion to plunder your resources. You have been bamboozled by the Ewes for far too long and that must end now. The only way the Akan areas can see development is by focusing on their resources and how to harness them to improve their lot. This calls for unity among the four Akan regions and to open lines of communication, to collaborate and to denounce the Ewes and the NDC together. The enemy came to kill, steal and destroy. In unity lies strength and then comes prosperity. You can rule yourselves! The 2012 Election Petition and the biased Supreme Court Ruling Buoyed by its ‘victory’ in the Atuguba Supreme Court decision and being in cahoots with the Electoral Commission, the corrupt NDC government has rejected European Union aid to revamp the electoral process in Ghana in favor of the status quo which guarantees rigging and the bribing of officials and has already predicted a big victory come Election 2016. Already the opposition has made up its mind of not going to Court again since all too often it becomes a rubber stamp affair and the petitioners lose. Next time the NDC fixes the election, the aggrieved party has resolved to take matters into its own hands in 2016 by starting civil war. This spells doom for everyone and the West African sub-region since there is a possibility of escalation.

The Kenyasi Massacre, February 2014

With the blessing of the NDC government, uniformed Ewes forayed deep into Akan territory and massacred and maimed unarmed civilians who were demonstrating for good roads to enable them boost exports of cocoa. This is a sign of things to come before Election 2016 with uniformed Ewes being deployed to Akan regions to flex muscles and cow them from protesting biased election results. A way out is the formation of well-organized militia with membership and not a ragtag one to defend yourselves well ahead of elections. This is called legitimate self-defense. You must start now so by Election 2016 there will be tens of thousands of you ready to rumble. The time for Akan complacency and pacifism is over. You must act now to liberate yourselves from Ewes

Uniformed personnel fighting civilians breach international convention which can trigger outside intervention. They refused to go to Mali for fear of getting killed in combat and prefer to fight civilians.

The other alternative is to recruit thousands of Liberian Boys to protect the Akans from Ewe aggression. The ‘boys’ are proven from past wars and really know how to kick butts. They will earn citizenship later.

The current Akan leaders are deeply compromised since they all drank the NDC Kool-Aid and ate the ‘waakye’ (rice) as well. They sold out big time and we need a new breed of dynamic leaders with voice who care for the common man and are powerful enough to use Akan resources for developments. NDC and corruption The NDC leapfrogged from nowhere to occupy the 3rd slot of the most corrupt governments, scaring off potential investors, tanking the economy and the cedi (currency) plummeting to a third of its value within a short period. Yet the NDC spin doctors find a fall guy for all their woes in President Kuffour who termed out in 2008. For goodness sake, he is history! NDC, show us what you got. It is all yours. The Constitution calls for using all of the country’s resources but the NDC targets only Akan resources to borrow against while hiding resources in their strongholds especially Volta region, a mini-Kuwait where oil bubbles from the ground screaming ‘tap me’. The IMF, World Bank and also China should start exploiting the vast resources in the NDC bastion of Gonjeweland to pay for all loans procured by NDC.

The Ewelization of Ghana

From the early 80’s when an Ewe putschist shot his way to power to the present (except 2000 to 2008) the minority Ewe has dominated the economic, judiciary, defense and political landscape of Ghana. His sole aim was to erode the Akan power structure and relevance and to replace it with Ewe hegemony. During a two decade reign of terror, he fulfilled the nightmare of Ewelizing Ghana by purging Akans from government, uniformed jobs, seizing their businesses and handing them over to his tribesmen and an ethnic cleansing of thousands using the subterfuge June 4th ‘Revolution’. In one fell swoop, power switched hands to Ewes who now have the chutzpah to call the Akans minority when in Parliament.

The judiciary was not spared as high-ranking Akan Judges were abducted and killed with several forced into exile. They were replaced with the likes of retired Supreme Court Judge, Kpegah the Scrounger, who has vowed with his fellow Ewes not to allow Nana Addo, an Akan who was cheated in the last two elections (2008 and 2012) to become President of Ghana. More of that later on. They peddle lies about him through taxpayer-funded hostile Ewe media referred to as the ‘rented press’ by diverting money meant to eliminate e.g. a project like Schools-under-Trees aka Tarzan Schools. Obviously there are open wounds inflicted on the Akans by the Ewes in the past which are not yet healed yet and this is a major reason for the lingering tension between Akans and Ewes.

Akan hegemony

Since 1980 the 10% Ewes have ruled 25 years and counting versus 8 years for the 55% majority Akans.

The Akan region is endowed with gold, cocoa, bauxite, timber, diamond and most recently oil and is the cash cow accounting for about 85% of exports yet lacks development. The time has come to restore Akan hegemony: govern ourselves, control the politics and the economy and to put the development of the Akan areas first to help boost exports and improve the standard of living. It might be necessary to build an Akan capital between Kumasi and Takoradi-- a city where cats will roam free. This is not to take swipe at any tribe but a direct response to the manipulation of demography whereby voters with Akan names are barred from registering in certain parts of the capital Accra, which is a melting pot.

The time has come to liberate the Akans from Ewe and NDC domination, and is right now not in 2016. We cannot allow this corrupt NDC to rule Akans by dividing us, telling lies and running a well-fueled propaganda machinery this side of North Korea. The pillaging of Akan resources by Ewes must stop now.

Election reforms

We remind the NDC that the European Union offer to reform is still on the table and must be accepted.

We demand a new Electoral Commissioner accepted by all political parties in the country.

For transparency purposes, the EC office must be purged of the majority NDC staff tasked to rig elections and new workers from the other political parties must be absorbed to act as watchdogs. We call for cessation of massive election fraud in the Ewe and NDC stronghold of Volta Region adjacent to Togo and arguably the election fraud capital of the world, vote-for-vote. Thanks, chief of Aflao!

There should be an immediate pullout of ‘Nyebros-in-uniform’ from all four Akan regions to be replaced by uniformed Akans. This measure will eliminate the Election period intimidation in Akan areas by Ewes.

Make those with Akan names eligible to vote anywhere in the capital Accra. This really hits home since I am one of such disenfranchised voters! But a name like Agavidzofe passes easily. Sorry, if that is you.

We denounce the presence of 419 International Observers and meddling by neighboring Presidents east of the border. We will sever Diplomatic ties and deport your citizens.

The Alternative--- pick your poison.

There are consequences for the rigging of future elections by the NDC and EC tandem:

The invasion of Volta region where the battle line will be drawn is seen as silver bullet to civil war because of the disparity whereby the 10% Ewes make up to 60% of uniformed jobs and 40% for the rest.

The enactment of the Second World War Rollback Law to deport en masse all those from regions which were not part of Ghana in 1945. Since Ewes joined Ghana around independence in 1957 they are subject to deportation. How about that, Mr. Kpegah? You do not want an Akan to become President of Ghana. The formation of an Akan nationalistic party to promote development and to block the NDC from accessing our resources by working together with international financial institutions. Membership will be open to all tribes but an Ewe cannot be a founding member with hard lessons learned from NPP. There will be a Gag Law to ice out recalcitrants and membership renewable annually for everyone. The presence of foreign troops on Akan soil to maintain peace.

The disbandment of the Ewe army in Ghana in favor of a Ghana army of all tribes and by proportion.

That’s pretty much it and I know this will resonate with majority of Akans to jolt them into action.

2016, the year of A Clean Ballot Or A Dirty Bullet.

Francis Baffour (Nom de Plume)


This write-up is dedicated to all victims of Kenyasi brutalized by uniformed Ewes in February 2014--a cowardly act endorsed by the evil, corrupt NDC government to intimidate Akans during elections.

Columnist: Baffour, Francis