
3 important things Mzbel and her son need in life

15796452 Ghanaian songstress, Mzbel

Wed, 15 Nov 2023 Source: Eric Otchere

John Wesley started studying Latin, Greek, and major portions of the New Testament from the age of 5 years. God used him to bring spiritual revival to his generation and his impact continues to echo in our day. Josiah became king of ancient Israel at the tender age of 8 years. He was mightily used to initiate lasting reforms in the apostate Judah (2 Kings 22).

We cannot brush aside the interview details of Mzbel's son, Aaron Adepa Amoah,

because he can be a vessel unto good or evil depending on the ideas that win his

heart and dominate his life. If we leave him, Satan will weaponise him to draw people unto himself for eternal destruction.

In this write-up, I seek to point out three important biblical solutions to the spiritual state of Mzbel and her son.

Three main thoughts from the interview:

After listening to the interview by the 10-year-old boy affirmed by the mother, I deduced three main ideas:

The God concept: There is no God:

The first thing we note about the interview is that he disputed the existence of God. He claimed that God does not exist. His mother noted in a later social media post that, “YES! We don't believe in the existence of an Almighty God because we know that everything or anything that has a life no matter how big or small is a God...”

What does the Bible say about this claim? Psalm 53:1 (NKJV) says, "The fool has

said in his heart, “There is no God.” They are corrupt, and have done abominable

iniquity; There is none who does good".

The human concept: The mother created him:

After being taught to suppress the truth of the existence of God (Romans 1:18), he claimed that his mother brought him into existence. He noted in the interview, “I believe through science, human beings were born not created and if human beings were created in the first place, I never got to see God as my father or mother. The only person who cares for me is my mother".

What does the Bible teach about this too? Psalm 24:1 says that “The earth is the

Lord’s, and everything in it, the world, and all who live in it.” Before we were formed in our mother’s womb, God knew us (Jeremiah 1:5). Our parents are channels for our appearance on earth.

The ancestral concept: They worship ancestors:

The third thing the son said was that he is an ancestral worshiper, hence his name, "Okomfo Black". Mzbel agreed and noted in a later social media post, “... when we pour libation (Pray) we acknowledge and honour all those energies (God). Our ancestors are dead but their blood and spirit run through us, we are their DNA so we honour them too.”

Psalm 115:4-8 (NKJV) says, "Their idols are silver and gold, The work of men’s hands. They have mouths, but they do not speak; Eyes they have, but they do not see; They have ears, but they do not hear; Noses they have, but they do not smell; They have hands, but they do not handle; Feet they have, but they do not walk; Nor do they mutter through their throat. Those who make them are like them; So is everyone who trusts in them".

Three things Mzbel and her son need in life:

The Bible teaches that God desires the salvation of the lost but not destruction (2 Peter 3:9). Mzbel and her son are totally lost in this confused world. But there are three important biblical remedies to their spiritual state:

They need prayers:

The Apostle Paul taught in 1 Timothy 2:2 that believers should pray for all men and those in authority for their salvation. The son and the mother do not need insults or bashing. They need to turn from idol worship to the Living God (1 Thessalonians 1:9- 10). They are our mission field unto which the Son of Man came to die (Luke 19:10). No one is beyond redemption.

They need the Gospel:

The next important thing Mzbel and the son need is the gospel of our Lord Jesus

Christ. The Bible says that the gospel has the power to bring salvation to anyone who believes (Romans 1:16). The gospel is the truth, and the truth is a Person, Jesus Christ our Lord. We must pray that they will know the truth and the truth shall set them free (John 8:32).

They need Jesus Christ:

The last important thing Mzbel and her son need is Jesus Christ. Eternal life is in Only Jesus Christ our Saviour (1 John 5:11). No Jesus, no life! It doesn't matter what knowledge they possess and can spew out in the media; it is appointed unto man to die and after death, judgment (Hebrews 9:27). Life is not a dress rehearsal. It's real!

We will all stand before God and be judged for how we used our lives on earth (2

Corinthians 5:10). Mzbel and her son are intelligent souls. But the Bible says that there is a way that seems right unto man, but the end thereof is destruction (Proverbs 14:12). We can choose our own way to worship anything here on earth, but we cannot choose our way of judgment.

Before Christ, every knee will bow, and every tongue will confess that Jesus Christ is Lord over all (Philippians 2:10-11). We shall account for how we lived our lives. The destination is either heaven or hell. My prayer is that just

as God has saved others in the past, He will redeem Mzbel and her son unto

righteousness to the praise of His name.

Columnist: Eric Otchere
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