
97% “Greedy Bastards” Endorsed Double Trouble

Mon, 18 Jul 2011 Source: Hayford, Kwesi Atta-Krufi

Once upon a time some 2866 men and women met at a place to play Olonkar Game, which involved praise singing of a king. They knew that the king had no ideas to rule and his kingdom was falling apart. The king himself came to the game to be praised. When he arrived he had no clothes on (lol). They knew that if they told the king the truth, they would lose their jobs so they resolved to tell the biggest lie. 90 said we have to tell the king he had no clothes on, 5 said we will sit on the fence but a whopping 2771 said lets tell the king he had clothes on so that we can keep our jobs, and so they did. What is the moral of my story?

Jerry Rawlings the founder and the conscience of the NDC has in the past two and half years of the Mills-Mahama Administration been shouting from the roof tops as the biblical prophets from the Old Testament as the voice of reason, the voice of concern and the voice of change that the NDC is in the wrong about the way they are governing. His reasons are simply that the Mills-Mahama administration had become a government of ‘greedy bastards’ who were like ‘rats in holes’ during the heady days of campaign 2008 and a government with ‘poverty of ideas.’ These assertions by founder Rawlings has been secretly and privately endorsed by NDC members and their foot soldiers have been championing the cause for change in the party, to such an extent that it has stalled the governance of our country and the effectiveness of our nation’s development.

Founder Rawlings has persistently warned the government that it would have no meaningful message to take to the Ghanaian voting public in 2012 and therefore advocated for a step change in the direction of government and governance. Not only has his voice been deliberately drowned by the rather vociferous GAME praise singers and the castle Rottweillers, but also President Mills and his government have bought themselves the steadiest ear plugs that help them to distance themselves from the virtues that the founders stands for. As if to deliberately annoy the founder, the President has decided to shed himself of the cloak of religious piety and now beautifully clad himself with the cloak of hypocrisy, in fact the mother of all hypocrites.

We have in fact in the past two and half years seen the Mills-Mahama administration descending into a culture of insults, vile propaganda, naked and reckless lies without respect for the public they are feeding into, arrogance, corruption and downright inefficiency. In fact the government has been described as the government of Team Bs and the President has unashamedly admitted his ‘pride’ of heading Team B. He is happy to accept the voices of his praise singers, against the voice of reason (the common voice of the suffering Ghanaians) in a typical fashion reminiscent of the Emperor with No Clothes.

It is this group of praise singers, insulting choristers and ‘greedy bastards’ who constituted themselves into the Congress of 2866 delegates to endorse President Mills. Made up of government appointees, ministers, contract-laden party officials and sadly MPs the just under 3000 delegates shut out the millions of disenfranchised and demoralised NDC supporters who had no say but just watch from their miserable homes. So the Congress at Sunyani can best be captioned as 2861 ‘GREEDY BASTARDS’ MET AT SUNYANI TO ELECT THE GREEDIEST BASTARD’

Triumphantly 90 of them saw reason and discovered their conscience at Sunyani and boldly decided to go through the ‘eye of the needle’ and the biblical ‘narrow gate’ to redemption. However the 2771 chose the ‘wide gate’ the gravy train, the chop-and-lets-chop route to play the GAME as ‘greedy bastards’ which has one certain end –Defeat @ 2012. Having decided to sign a collective suicide pact which they know will come into fruition in 2012, the only victim of this pact of Ghana and Ghanaians.

What the 2771 GAME delegates actually endorsed at Sunyani were

1. Continuous lies about the economy

2. Politics of insults

3. 1.6 million phantom jobs

4. Corruption

5. Abuse and intimidation of state institutions especially the judiciary

6. Inflation of government contracts by 160%

7. Poverty of policy ideas

8. Mediocrity and hopelessness

These are the attributes that the Mills-Mahama administration stands for and that was what was endorsed at Sunyani.

Sunyani has also taught us all a lesson- that the NDC can never change. A vote for the NDC in 2012, is a vote for double trouble. The moral of the story that opened this article is that, the 2771 is enjoying the gravy train. They do not live the life of the common struggling people of Ghana. They are not part of the 53% Ghanaians who cannot afford basic meals. They are not part of the overwhelming Ghanaians who are unemployed. As a matter of fact they voted with their tummies to keep their jobs. In fact they are the “greedy bastards”

Kwesi Atta-Krufi Hayford

Columnist: Hayford, Kwesi Atta-Krufi