
A Blessed Christmas And New Year – Comes With Discipline

Mon, 25 Dec 2006 Source: Danso, Kwaku A.

Fellow countrymen and women,

As the year comes to a close, We all need to reflect on the year past and give our own personal reports, Be it in writing as I usually do, or in thought or expressions, Of love and blessings of health and courage to pass through till now, And reflect on challenges born and won, and ask for strength from the maker for those yet to meet.

Many celebrations come with food, music and dance, And there is nothing wrong with that, Even if the head of some goats, or chicken or turkey Become part of the celebrations. Merry making must go on! As we recall in the traditional Ghanaian “ton-ton-te, ton-ton-te” style of the forefathers, That as we drink and are merry, we also ponder on strategy for tomorrow.

In this spirit must we also remember those who have not. Not because they are lazy, as some foreigners would make us believe, But because they happen to live in a land where opportunities may be missing, And leaders often lose the discipline and the love to make things work for all. As our plates get full with yams and turkey or what have you, Let us not forget the 78.5% of our people for whom malaria tablets are too much; Or those for whom the C3 million fees for their children’s SSS education, May be the difference between going or not, or a life of possible crime, Or jobs may be at best running between traffic lights in Accra or wherever.

We are not perfect but we can do better and have to look up anew and ahead. It is for these reasons that I wish you all the best in your challenges ahead, For the coming years, even as you struggle through daily chores and plan ahead, We all need to open the doors of personal friendship to all – it is a global village now. Whiles we insist on disciplines to teach those behind that life must go on now, But nature itself, atoms and the elements, are all built on rules and regulations; Those known in our current Science laboratories, and those meant to come soon.

Let the glasses clash, but don’t break it! That is self control and discipline! And let the celebrations begin for better years ahead for Ghana!! Love to you all in old and new endeavors, for all to work together, To save Ghana now!


Kwaku A. Danso, PhD
USA: Fremont, California 94539.
Ghana: Near Lake Side, East Legon, Accra

Views expressed by the author(s) do not necessarily reflect those of GhanaHomePage.

Columnist: Danso, Kwaku A.