
A Food for Thought for Asantehene

Wed, 27 Apr 2011 Source: Fosu, John

President Hilla Limann once vented, "Ghana gyima dwendwen", when he could not make the head or tail of the corruptible actions of his Ministers and the subsequent reactions by the public. In the same vein, the Kumawu chieftaincy dispute is giving me unnecessary headaches. But to think of vamoosing will be as blasphemous as insulting the Holy Ghost. The repeated intentional deferment of the hearing of the case by the Asantehene, Otumfuo Osei Tutu II, rather invigorates me to come out harder on the defaulting party or parties whenever I sit behind my keyboard. Do I care about the needless sleeplessness nights am compelled to go through researching Kumawu history and how to attack the guilty parties? No, I don't. Do I care about the insults heaped on me by certain ignorant persons when I feel to be defending the course of the suffering Kumawuman citizens? No, I don't. What do I care about then, one may ask?

I can hardly figure out the real motive behind Otumfuo's designed delaying tactics to hearing and passing judgment on the Kumawu chieftaincy case. For all that I know until now are the selfish interests - sexual satisfaction and or, the underhand dealings he derives from such postponements. Is it also to help his other conniving Amanhene sitting on the case to make as much money as they can through bribery from the feuding parties? Someone who is privy to the established dubious protocol at the Manhyia Palace has made me aware of why Asantehene is behaving the way he is. He made this revelation known in his comment to my article published on both Ghanaweb and Modernghana on Thursday, 21st April, 2011 titled, "Asantehene's Foot-Dragging is strangulating the Development of Kumawuman". He said, when it comes to the arbitration of cases brought before the Asanteman Council, it is there that the Amanhene sitting on the case subtly milk the litigious parties with the blessings of the occupant of the Golden Stool. Asantehene intentionally delays the case creating a room for the Amanhene to take various bribes, he said. After maximising their intake of bribe of all shapes and forms, then Asantehene seriously calls the case for hearing at the end of which a verdict is delivered. No wonder Otumfuo Osei Tutu II is seen to be playing God with the cases before his Asanteman Council through intentional dillydallying. Could this be one of the main reasons why Otumfuo Osei Tutu II continuously keeps deferring the hearing of the Kumawu chieftaincy case, let alone, giving a ruling?

Otumfuo Osei Tutu II by his actions whether deliberate or inadvertent, is compounding the already precarious state of the Kumawuman citizens. I can hardly understand how this King who was once compared to the Biblical King Solomon in wisdom, agility, dedication to service, honesty and dynamism is now behaving quite irresponsibly. Does he really care about the welfare of the majority of the suffering Kumawuman citizens? I am afraid not. He only seems to care about his selfish sexual interests and how to get his lieutenants possess pot-bellies through corruption as the commentator hinted.

May I earnestly ask Otumfuo to take notice of the following points about to be raised, and may he cogitate over them day and night?

* Do you know that Kumawu, like the other main principalities that came together to form the Ashanti Kingdom is independent and has almost an equal status as Asantehene within the Union? * Do you know that Asantehene has no absolute power over Kumawu to act irresponsibly towards her? * Do you know that it is a mere privilege that has been accorded you to oversee the arbitration of their chieftaincy dispute? * Are you aware that a privilege can never become a right and that it can be taken away at any time as and when the masses deem it right? * Do you know that your reputability will be dented if Kumawuman decides to walk over you and install their own chief in response to the people's outcry for a chief now? * Do you know that the masses' patience for your shilly-shallying is wearing thin if not already won out?

Furthermore, Asantehene should note that he has been snared by his own words. Was he not the one who turned towards Kumawhemaa at the Asanteman Council sitting when the conniver Abena Wurukye invoked the "Asantehene's Ntamkese" on Nana Nti Kwakye and said, "Do you understand what the woman is saying? She says she gave the stool you are occupying as a queen to you, and that the Kumawu Paramount Stool belongs to her family (the Adomako Pims). The day that she ever emerges guilty after taking the Ananangyas on, that same day, you are going with her because you are also automatically guilty" It will be recalled that one Abena Wurukye whom I have previously written extensively about, did invoke the Asantehene's Great Oath (Ntamkese) on both Nana Nti Kwakye (the Head of the Ananangya royal family) and the sitting queen (representative of the supposed Ankaase royal family) saying, "Akokohwede mmienu nkoko obi afuo ase" and so on and so forth. As Nana Nti Kwakye counteracted her claim, Kumawuhemaa sat there looking on like an inhibited person without reacting to Abena Wurukye's claim made on oath. This provoked Otumfuo to utter what he said in an attempt to prod the queen to issue a counter oath on Wurukye. Tried as Otumfuo did, Kumawuhemaa only said, "Se eduruho a me ara meka mmasem" She was waiting for Wurukye to be found guilty before she reacts. Two years on, with the usual nonsensical postponements, Wurukye was finally found guilty. My question to the current occupant of the Golden Stool is what is he doing now that Wurukye is guilty? Is he backtracking on his own publicly made statement? I knew that men of integrity and firm conviction never lick back their vomitus but Otumfuo by his capricious actions seems to be doing the very opposite. This is very shameful of him and quite degrading to the Stool he occupies and the Asantes he represents.

Again, does Asantehene not have archived documentation on the various townships under his jurisdiction? If he does, do the documents not state the origins of, and the eligible occupants of, the paramount stools of those areas? Has he ever bothered to do a case study on Kumawu in relation to Barimah Tweneboa Kodua and the paramount Kumawu Kodua Stool?

Anyway, the Ankaase family of which the current Kumawuhemaa is a member does not originate from Seni Fontom, the originator of the Kumawu paramount Stool. The Ankaases are from one "AYO" of whom much has been said in my previous published write-ups. They came to occupy the stool through the covert malevolence and mischievous plots by one Yaw Dabo, the son of Ayo. This Yaw Dabo became the brother-in-law to Nana Osei Yaw Akoto, the then Asantehene, when his sister Okomfo Yaa Mansah, also the daughter of Ayo, got married to Nana Osei Yaw Akoto. To know more about his plots, could you please refer to my previous articles?

I put it to Otumfuo Osei Tutu II that he is simply being callous to the citizens of Kumawuman by his assumed deplorable stance on the Kumawu chieftaincy case. He should bear in mind that when a coward is pushed to the wall, he finds courage to assert not only his freedom but to fight ferociously back to put the bully to flight. He has pushed Kumawuman citizens to the wall by getting the true royals cornered. A word to the wise is enough.

"Discovery is the key that opens the door to all recoveries", so the wise man says. The Ananangyas/Odumases should please try to discover why Otumfuo, Kumawuhemaa and the Krontihene are behaving the way they are. The means to discover that lies with my articles. To the true paramount royals of Kumawu (Ananangyas and Odumases), be it known to you that one Dr. Abraham Chigbundu says, "The lion you refuse to kill will kill you". This simply means the issues you refuse to confront will subsequently confront you. The Ananangyas/Odumases as poor as they are like "Asore dam mu akura" are scared to confront the fooling tactics placed in their way by Otumfuo and the Kumawhemaa. Poverty is not an indication of stupidity so the Ananangyas/Odumases should take note. I am beginning to get sick and tired of the Ananagyas/Odumases adopted snail-pace attitude to resolving the Kumawu chieftaincy case. I am only a chosen vessel of God to help. If I had my own way, I would abandon the true royals in their fight to repossess their birthright. They are too slow and are not throwing the knock-out punches as are expected of them.

I am highly flabbergasted at the attitudes of one Owura Aboagye and another Basoah Kodua to my write-ups. This Aboagye revealed to me as one Thomas, resident in Manchester and goes by the name, "Ahenenananomhene" displays total ignorance, illiteracy and absurdity with his comments made to my articles. That Koduah is in the same low-life league or category with Owura Aboagye when it comes to identifying with the aspirations of the masses of Kumawuman. Do I bother myself with these low lives that lack intellectual discourse? No!

In the Most powerful name of Jesus Christ as bestowed on him by God Almighty, and to the glory of God Almighty and the Holy Ghost, I reverse any curse anyone may have intentionally or otherwise placed on me. Curse is upon the heads of those desiring to curse me for simply fighting a genuine cause leading to the liberation of Kumawuman from the corruption, disrespectfulness and short-sightedness of the Kumawuhemaa and her detestable flock of embezzlers. Being the vessel of God, anyone that tries to harm me by way of juju, placing a curse on me or whichever, should rather be the accursed. They should suffer the consequences of their own evil intents manifold. Amen

The battle still ferociously rages. Mark my words, Kumawuman will soon be free and free forever from the hopeless, ruinous traditional rule by the fictitious Ankaase royals.


John Fosu

Columnist: Fosu, John