The STC bus services and VIP clashed on Monday following a heated disagreement over the land
Dear VIP,
You have come a long way in the transport business. But not farther than what we've already seen a transport company in Ghana do.
You render a very crucial service to Ghanaians and Non-Ghanaians. We can never and should never wish for your collapse.
STC, which today is indisputably the best transport company in Ghana and a wonder to many, has seen the bad before; and you're also susceptible to this regrettable situation.
The success of STC is not and should not be measured by the downfall of its competitors. Not at all. Rather it should be measured by some standards. Fact is, STC only cannot provide transportation for inhabitants of Ghana.
Your survival is, therefore, critical for continuous competition and/or to complement STC and all other transport companies.
While we can continue to hope for your survival, the attitude of some of your employees is very reprehensible and soon will be the enemy you will be looking for, for rising against you.
I have been a victim to this monstrous attitude for all the times I have come to your station in Accra and sadly I am not the only person. The last one being a ticket man insisting not to sell ticket to me because I had questioned him where he was for 45 minutes when we were waiting for him in a queue. It took the intervention of people to get me the ticket after some 10 minutes.
These employees are quick to make you know how 'VIP' (no pun intended) they are. Customer Service is just not their thing.
Among other things, Customer Service is working for STC. This is the 21st Century secret. Today, you get a customer service treat from a company and you feel like you are the king or queen your family and friends don't know.
Some of your employees either need training or retraining in customer service. Because it is not enough to have beautiful fleet of buses. You also need employees with beautiful attitude.
Sorry if you have also been a victim.
Thank you
William Latsey