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'A new year, a new life' – a cliché of a sort that never fades?

71695775 A New Year’s resolution is a decision to do or not do something to accomplish a goal

Thu, 12 Jan 2023 Source: Kwesi Asante

“Past and Present I know well; each is a friend and sometimes an enemy to me. But it is the quiet, beckoning Future, an absolute stranger, with whom I have fallen madly in love.”― Richelle E. Goodrich, Slaying Dragons: Quotes, Poetry, & a few Short Stories for Every Day of the Year.

There is only one thing that I could know for certainty as a kid, and that has always been my new year’s eve. Staying awake all night just for the ending year to fade into a new one, the shouts and great moments of ecstasy with fireworks and knockouts cutting across all midnight.

And that! is a great joy for me. Although I could think of nothing as a resolution, but yet still expecting a positive and more fulfilled life in the coming year, and everyone expects so.

A New Year’s resolution is a decision to do or not do something to accomplish a personal goal or break a habit. A lot of people cherish it as much, and that expresses its significance in our culture as a people.

It is a time when people take a retrospection and reflect on their lives lived in the passing year, and then make projections for their future. A new year, a new life – a cliché of a sort that never fades.

New years have been celebrated several centuries ago, even from medieval times till now. While resolutions were based more or entirely on morality, it seems there has been significant development to that effect.

Individuals were more concerned about expressing acts of kindness, love, and sympathy to their neighbours as new resolutions in the coming year. Maybe that setting is different from ours now.

The pursuit of a better life, wealth, and knowledge has majorly characterized the resolutions of our age.

However, it is very expedient that we do not underscore or overemphasize the need to make resolutions. A friend once jokingly said to me, “a resolution is a manual for the new year.” I giggled off and that it was a “senseless” definition. While in fact, it is the best description for it.

Just like the manual, a resolution guides you in making decisions in the year.

It helps you evaluate and assess the progress you have made so far.

It psychologically prepares you for a positive and more fulfilled lifestyle.

If you have not tried resolving yet, you can try out something. Just be easy on yourself and make more realistic and pragmatic plans for your year. Keep track of your resolutions and follow them religiously.

Here are some resolutions you can try out with

Take up volunteer activities by just helping random people for free. You can even volunteer for your church community or even school.

Show acts of kindness, love, and respect to other people.

Invest in knowledge, read new books, watch movies and explore the world.

Set realistic financial goals for yourself.

Spend some time building your social being.

Columnist: Kwesi Asante