
A tail of incompetent people in the mosquito camp of government

Flagstaff House Dumsor 1 The Flagstaff House

Fri, 29 Mar 2024 Source: Michael Agbesi Kelly

In the mosquito camp of government, there was a group of incompetent individuals who were tasked with controlling the mosquito population in the area. Despite their best efforts, they always seemed to make things worse rather than better.

One day, the leader of the mosquito camp, a bumbling man named TIMOO, decided that the best way to control the mosquito population was to release a swarm of dragonflies into the area. However, he failed to realize that dragonflies were not native to the region and ended up causing chaos as they preyed on other insects instead of the mosquitoes.

Another member of the team, MAPO, thought that the best way to control the mosquito population was to drain all the standing water in the area. However, she failed to consider that the standing water was also home to other beneficial insects and wildlife, causing an imbalance in the ecosystem.

As the incompetence of the mosquito camp members continued to grow, the mosquito population in the area exploded. Residents were constantly swatting away the pesky insects, and cases of mosquito-borne illnesses began to rise.

Finally, the government had enough of the incompetence in the mosquito camp and decided to bring in a team of experts named, J&J to properly address the issue. They implemented a comprehensive plan that involved targeted spraying, habitat modification, and community education.

Within a few months, the mosquito population in the area was under control, and residents could finally enjoy their outdoor spaces without fear of being bitten. The incompetent members of the mosquito camp were reassigned to other duties (OPPOSITION), and the government learned the valuable lesson that sometimes, it’s better to leave important tasks to the experts.

Building The Camp We Want Together!

Columnist: Michael Agbesi Kelly