Miss Adeline Quarshie, Managing Director of Credence Micro Credit
In a fast-growing and competitive business environment, the greatest asset that has the potency to drive an organization into success is ‘focus’; otherwise known in the corporate world as “VISION.” Whilst a vision is the reason why a business exists or may exist, the ideal thing is to work towards, with and around it.
It is quite paradoxical that inasmuch as the vision is the reason for the existence of the organization, the aim is not to exhaust the vision but to work with it.
Achieving a vision would simply mean that the spirit and life of the vision have been exhausted. In other words, once a vision is achieved, there is no reason for existence any longer.
The existence of the vision is the reason for the existence of the organization. However, in an ever dynamic, a more civilized and technologically advanced world, both people and all other institutions including non-governmental organizations, social groups, churches, small and medium enterprises and of course corporate entities have come to the realization of the concept, role and value of a vision in the success story of every institution, hence, its patronage thereof.
To illustrate the seriousness of it; in our world today, institutions, both formal and informal spend countless hours, days, months and sometimes years to brainstorm on what the vision of the institution should be. There are some experts who are paid to construct a vision or even to vet the viability of a vision.
Adding up, in most churches and corporate institutions, one would see the vision boldly written and displayed on walls that is visible enough for the eyes of all. It would also be seen displayed on their respective websites and all other outlets.
This has become so because studies have shown that one of the grounds upon which confidence is reposed in both people and institutions is through the availability of a clearer vision. By a vision, the future success of an individual or institution could easily be predicted since vision dictates the mode and attitude towards work, operations, decisions and choices.
That notwithstanding, in an unfortunate turn, vision seems to now have become some sort of especially a corporate cliché. Some institutions are having visions stipulated for many different reasons. Some, it is because others are doing it; to others, it seems to be some kind of a corporate formal protocol that is to be followed to the later but not because they believe and understand the importance thereof.
Interestingly, a careful study of some organizations with regards to their attitude towards work, investment direction, operations, directions, decisions and choices, would indicate that they are estranged from their stipulated vision. It is interesting to note that most organizations go on the internet to surf and search for already made visions.
How unfortunate! A vision is meant to be the drive that wheels the actions of the organization. It is supposed to be inherent, internally motivated from deep within the soul of the entrepreneur.
Going on the internet to surf for a vision and make it your own may seem easy and straight forward. It may sound nice and catchy yet it would be devoid of sincerity, honesty and above all the spirit which is meant to be the life of the institution or the yet to be institution.
CREDENCE MICRO CREDIT, a fast-growing micro-credit company, with operations spanning over five years under the licensure of the central bank with license number; MC/BOG/17/00497, we have a better grip on this concept and fact. A company that emerged right in the midst of the time and season when a lot of micro-credit and micro-finance companies were bowing out of the market.
With a true, sincere, honest and spirit borne vision; that is; TO BE THE MOST CREDIBLE “FINANCIAL PARTNER OF CHOICE” PROVIDING WELL-TAILORED FINANCIAL SOLUTIONS TO OUR CLIENTS AND UTMOST CUSTOMER SERVICE.” it is no surprise that we have been able to grow even in the midst of a macro-economic downturn.
As an organization that is driven by the spirit of our vision, we have indeed niched ourselves as a classic, yet an all-inclusive micro-credit of choice through our tailored products and services executed with the utmost focus on our customers.
With diverse products ranging from personal loans, Business Loans, Group Loans, Hire Purchase and other personalized services, we owe it to our discipline to follow our spirit borne VISION.
By the drive of this same spirit borne, internally motivated and solution oriented vision, we have an excellent and applicable mission statement that sees to an approachable step-by-step guide to working with, around and towards the vision. That is; “SEEKING TO PLAY A KEY ROLE IN TRANSFORMING THE ECONOMY AND ENRICHING THE LIVING STANDARDS OF THE PEOPLE WITH INTEGRITY.”
What is a sound business environment without integrity? People no longer just want to do business with just anyone. The confidence of the people is not isolated.
It is firmly grounded in and motivated by the attitude of the organization. Integrity is not just a word; it is a lifestyle. At CREDENCE MICRO CREDIT, we do not have INTEGRITY as just one of our core values but it is who we are.
We are a people of PASSION. We are passionate about seeing lives transformed through financial freedom. Passion must obviously result in PERFORMANCE?.
Our passion for what we do has made performance efficiency inevitable. Indeed, in all of this, people are our focus, therefore, with our excellent CUSTOMER SATISFACTION, we deliver on our promises. At CREDENCE MICRO CREDIT, Customer satisfaction is not just a corporate mantra but an attitude.
Success is a collective effort, hence, our value for TEAMWORK. At CREDENCE, the personal pronoun, ‘I’ is a stranger to both the minds and tongues of our astute professionals. It is no surprise that our customers do not seize to be wowed. A collection of people would mean differences in everything including ideas.
We at Credence have the best of tailored products and services and also payment terms including some personalized products and services because we believe in DIVERSITY.
It is with confidence in excellence that this year, we find it pleasing to outdoor our new company tag line; that is, “A CLEAR MARK OF CREDIBILITY”.
We believe that after six years of operations, we have demonstrated more than enough to boast in our sense of care, excellence, credibility, honesty in business, creativity, our sense of responsibility towards society and building of a better Ghana.
With a clear evidence of good work done, it is to be noted that CREDENCE MICRO CREDIT is indeed “A CLEAR MARK OF CREDIBILITY.”