
A withered blossom,a call for action

Bonyy5 Ebony Reigns

Sat, 10 Feb 2018 Source: Prof Joshua Alabi

Black Friday it had been in Ghana. Everybody is talking about this huge loss of a beautiful budding life that was ready to take our music to the international stage. We are grieving, oo yes, our hearts are in pain. Ghana is mourning.

A major road where a contractor has heaped sand on one side of the road, making it narrow and impairing the vision of motorists has been taking lives. It is believed that more lives have been lost at that same spot long before last Friday night's major loss.

It has been a major source of concern for people in that community. Yet it appears their repeated complaints did not receive the needed attention.

The situation at hand calls for a thorough analysis of our road safety mechanisms and advocacy for urgent action to be taken to prevent such unfortunate losses.

Though good roads and effective road safety advocacy may not prevent accidents completely, taking the necessary action now would go a long way to prevent such crises.

As I extend my heartfelt condolences to the family of Ebony and her colleagues, it is my prayer that this unfortunate incident would remind us all and especially those in positions of responsibility to implement initiatives that would actually improve road safety in Ghana.

Columnist: Prof Joshua Alabi
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