
A word of advice to Ghanaians

Thu, 29 Aug 2013 Source: Asamoah, Amofah A.

The supreme court ruling: a word of advice to Ghanaians

In a few days the 2012 election petition case will be over in Ghana. For about forty eight days Ghanaians and the rest of the world watched as the nine justices of the Supreme Court listened to the petitioners and the respondents present their arguments to support their case. The Supreme Court has set August 29, 2013 as the date to deliver the verdict. Ghanaians are anxiously waiting for the outcome of this landmark case.

There seems to be uneasiness and fear among Ghanaians as to how the verdict will go in this case. But I would like to remind all of us to train our minds to accept, adjust, and move on as a people with our daily lives no matter the outcome of the verdict. Ghana is bigger than the interest of any Party. Remember we are one people. Our sense of patriotism is unique and unrivalled in Africa and the rest of the world.

If we engage in violence or bloodshed it will breed animosity or hatred toward one another. It will also derail the peace and political gains of the country for the past twenty one years since the fourth Republic and set us back. Bear in mind it is easier to destroy than to build. We have come this far by faith and faith will take us to the next level as a nation. Let us look forward in faith to build Ghana for a brighter future. To quote Dr. Kwame Nkrumah’s words: “Forward Ever Backward Never.”

The international community is watching whether Ghana will pass this test and take the mantle of leadership as a beacon of democracy in Africa and a shining example of democracy in this post modern era.

Let us have confidence in the nine justices. They are experienced in the field and upholding the ethics of their job they will do the right thing to deliver the right verdict. Don’t let us doubt their integrity or belittle their ability to perform the task assigned to them. They will vindicate themselves and the Ghanaian judicial system from the negative perception of the bench.

I strongly believe the justices will not compromise their principles for what they think is convenient. Respecting the constitution of Ghana and the ethics of their office, they will declare “The Truth, Nothing but the Truth!” Remember, violence or bloodshed is not an option. Neither one is a solution to peace and the celebration and enjoyment of human life.

God bless our Homeland Ghana and God bless the people of Ghana!

Dr. Amofah A. Asamoah

Columnist: Asamoah, Amofah A.