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Ablakwa cannot blame NDC MPs for his own misfiring – Gabby reacts to resignation

Gabby Otchere Darko Leading NPP Member, Gabby Otchere Darko

Thu, 1 Apr 2021 Source: www.ghanaweb.com

Leading member of the New Patriotic Party, Gabby Otchere Darko has given his two cents following the sudden resignation of MP for North Tongu from Parliaments Appointments Committee.

Reacting to the actions of the young politician, Mr Otchere Darko intimated that he hoped the precursor of Mr Samuel Okudzeto Ablakwa’s actions was not the unanimous approval of Finance Minister-designate by Parliament’s vetting committee.

Mr Ablakwa himself cited in his statement of resignation that the reason for his decision was ‘both personal and on principle’.

In a long epistle on his Facebook wall, Mr. Otchere Darko advised that the MP for North Tongu takes measured steps for his sustainability as a young politician, explaining that his actions came at a time when there seems to be some form of turmoil within the NDC party.

“I chuckled a bit when I read Samuel Okudzeto Ablakwa’s letter today, announcing that he was resigning from Parliament’s Appointments Committee for reasons “both personal and on principle.” He is a younger man with potentially a big future ahead of him and I can only wish him well. But, for sustainability, he must measure his moves well.

"His resignation comes at a time when some people within the rank and file of the National Democratic Congress are expressing anger against their MPs on the Appointments Committee and the Minority leadership for the approval of Ken Ofori-Atta as Finance Minister. It is as if they watched a different vetting to the rest of us,” part of his post read.

He asserted that Mr. Ablakwa, in a bid to pin Mr.

Ken Ofori-Atta and hurt his chances during the latter’s vetting, fluffed his lines.

“When Mr. Ablakwa got his opportunity to ask Mr. Ofori-Atta questions, frankly, he blew it and cannot blame his colleagues for his own misfiring. He chose to use facts selectively and disingenuously with the apparent intention of hurting the nominee.

"However, the actual statistics could not help him beyond the momentary propaganda effect his set of facts had. That question from him epitomised how the NDC got it all wrong,” Gabby Otchere Darko added.

“I really hope, against the impression out there, that the resignation of the MP for North Tongu from the Appointments Committee is not because Mr. Ofori-Atta’s nomination was approved by consensus.

"Tough and sometimes rough questions were asked by the NDC over the two days. Good and sincere answers were also given. If in doubt, do a straw poll of ordinary Ghanaians around you and find out if up to 30% of the people will say Parliament erred in approving Ken Ofori-Atta.

"Mr. Ablakwa, who is clearly ambitious and quite rightly so, must learn and learn quickly that leadership is not all about prancing the highest to the favourite tunes of your followers but sometimes it is more about you having the courage, wisdom and creativity to rewrite the song your followers like with a new chorus for them to sing, he furthered.

Read his full post below:

Source: www.ghanaweb.com
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