
Abronye DC must apologies to Albert Kan Dapaah

Albert Kan Dapaah Hon. Albert Kan Dapaah

Tue, 7 Feb 2017 Source: Simon Asante

By: Simon Asante

Most Ghanaians can agree that the tone and tenor of the Brong Ahafo regional youth organizer Abronye was a disgrace and that there is plenty of blame to share, Name-calling, insults, innuendos, disrespect, untruths, fabrications, fear-mongering, hateful and vitriolic comments and even mockingly and offensive body language overshadowed the vitally important issues which he needed to discuss.

Many times, it was both uncomfortable and frightening to listen to the hottest political show on Oman FM's ''Boiling Point'' when he is on the air for fear of debates which may provoke anger.

It became even sadder after the appointment of Hon. Albert Kan Dapaah as the security minister for the same loud mouthed Abronye to christen the honourable man as a ''thief'' simply aimed at tooling himself as a political maestro that speaks his mind, but forgetting that the same words become a tool for the NDC. '

This is not the NPP we know nor the youth wing to which we aspire. This uncivil discourse, disrespect and intolerance must stop now. Our leaders are our leaders and this is a perfect opportunity for Abronye DC to set an example to help restore our faith and trust in our party youth leader by doing the honourable thing.

Simon Asante

Columnist: Simon Asante