
Ade, shut up and enjoy your ill-gotten share of the Mahama loot

Gii Mahama President John Mahama

Wed, 19 Oct 2016 Source: Okoampa-Ahoofe, Kwame

Ade, Shut Up and Enjoy Your Ill-Gotten Share of the Mahama Loot, for the End is Near

By Kwame Okoampa-Ahoofe, Jr., Ph.D.

English Department, SUNY-Nassau

Garden City, New York

October 16, 2016


After having miserably failed to use the dirty political trick of tribalism to alienate Dr. Mahamudu Bawumia from the New Patriotic Party (NPP), as well as using internal factional operatives like Messrs. Paul A. Afoko, Sammy Crabbe and Kwabena A. Agyepong to split and weaken the most formidable opposition party in the country, the leaders of the ruling National Democratic Congress (NDC) have now resorted to desperately and pathetically backing up any NPP politician they envisage to be of consequence, be it at the local or national level, who attempts to buck laid-down party rules. Here, too, needless to say, the NDC Abongo Boys are certain to lose.

In the latest of such devious episodes, we have the cantankerous busybody Greater-Accra Regional Chairman of the NDC, Mr. Joseph Ade Coker, calling the outgoing NPP-Member of Parliament for Kumasi-Bantama, Mr. Henry Kwabena Kokofu, a “coward” because having lost the party’s Election 2016 parliamentary primary, Mr. Kokofu recently decided to file for the renewal of his mandate as an Independent Candidate, only to almost immediately turn around and profusely apologize for breaching the trust of his constituents and party members and supporters, as well as withdraw his application forms from the Electoral Commission (EC) – (See “Kokofu is a Coward – Ade Coker” / 10/4/16).

Mr. Kokofu has alleged that certain unspecified antagonistic problems in the party provoked him into making his very regrettable decision. This is obviously what worries half-Ghanaian and half-Nigerian NDC stalwarts like Mr. Ade Coker, whom Chairman Jerry John Rawlings once had occasion to describe as a thoroughgoing crooked and corrupt politician and a bully. Well, to Mr. Coker’s utter disappointment, Mr. Kokofu has publicly and constructively indicated that he sees absolutely no reason to wash his party’s proverbial dirty Kente-cloth in the public-market square, where grubby NDC political carrions have been waiting ravenously for a piece of rotten meat and gossip. It is also hilarious for a hard-nosed NDC vulture like Mr. Ade Coker to fatuously speculate that, somehow, if the Electoral Commission had demanded immediate payment of the GH? 10,000 filing fee, Mr. Kokofu would not have had the luxury of withdrawing his candidacy as an Independent contestant.

You see, this is the fundamental attitudinal difference between the key operatives of the National Democratic Congress and their most formidable opponents of the New Patriotic Party. For the NDC operatives, money trumps all else, including one’s conscience and ethics, whereas for the relatively far more progressive and visionary NPP operatives, it is the diametrically opposite. In other words, Mr. Kokofu, after regrettably making a false move, and one that clearly appeared to redound the benefit of the grossly incompetent and thievish NDC political machine, promptly regained the full and salutary use of his mental and moral faculties, thus auspiciously provoking the emotionally crushing feeling of defeat and disappointment in Mr. Ade Coker.

What the Greater-Accra NDC Chairman and his cronies ought to worry themselves about is far less the laudable decision of an evidently harried Mr. Kokofu to rescind his earlier decision not to abide by laid-down party rules, than the inescapably daunting fact of the Mahama Abongo Boys and Girls’ woeful inability to convincingly justify the need for the Chief Resident of the Flagstaff House to be retained at post for the next four years.

*Visit my blog at: Ghanaffairs

Columnist: Okoampa-Ahoofe, Kwame