
Adopt a child and put him or her on the path of righteousness and nation building

Osei Kofi Acquah9 Osei Kofi Acquah

Sun, 16 Jun 2024 Source: Osei Kofi Acquah

Happy Father’s Day to all men around the world. It is not easy to be a member of this gender but we soldier on every day.

We are hardworking and most depended on, we are expected to be magicians fixing whatever our parents want, whatever our junior siblings want, whatever our wives and girlfriends want, whatever our children want, and even some things members of our extended families and countrymen want but somehow some way we manage through.

It is a tough job being a father and it is meant for people who are tough in thought and heart.

This year I want to propose what I call the "Adopt a child policy."

By this what I mean is all the well-to-do or the men who God has blessed should adopt a struggling young person (s) with good prospects and potential, either in your family, your community, your hometown, your place of work, etc, and assist them in any way you can.

As a master carpenter, a master car mechanic, a master blacksmith, A school teacher, a farmer, a Doctor whatever profession you are in, today is the day you decide to adopt that boy who roams about aimlessly in your area, who boy or girl in your family, church, community, hometown, etc whose father or mother cannot afford their dreams.

You don’t necessarily have to bring them to live under the same roof with you, all they need is to be put on the path of acceptable path to self-reliance and be guided.

Some of them may not necessarily need financial assistance but a role model, a mentor, or a friend to guide him or her on the path to success.

Let us lend that helping hand. Let us lend that support, let’s try to be available for the younger generation.

We should tell our tales to inspire them and we should teach them how we were able to get this far.

Let us do it not for today but for the future, let us not do it for them but for the betterment of our country, let us not expect a reward in return but applause from Humanity.

For I proclaim today that growing tress to Green Ghana, and the attempt to stop Galamsey will be a wasted effort if an alternative livelihood is not created from today.

#Adopt #SaveALifeToday #ForwardEver

Columnist: Osei Kofi Acquah