
Africa Can Get To The Land Of Hope and Success If….

Fri, 21 Aug 2015 Source: Boateng, Emmanuel Agyemfra

Emmanuel Agyemfra Boateng

A question was raised yesterday on Daily Graphic’s facebook page on how the media will use its power to rebrand Africa from one of hopelessness to a continent of hope and success. After reading the post, I sighed and told God silently that, He should let Africa get there!

Yes, the media can help Africa become a continent of HOPE and SUCCESS if the leaders of this rich continent will forgo some of their sickening behaviors and pave way for the HOPE and SUCCESS train.

It’s not too late, just that, we’ve been sleeping for too long and this is the time for us to wake up and join the fast train towards the land of HOPE and SUCCESS.

The media’s efforts in branding Africa from one of hopelessness to a continent of hope and success will only materialize if only;

1. Head of states get the Buharism mentality: That is when you make the nation your first priority.

2. We are ready to eradicate Civil War: When the likes of the President of South Sudan are not given the chance to rule again. He refused to sign a peace deal in Ethiopia that would’ve brought lasting peace to the crisis between North and South Sudan.

3. Our Leaders realize we are doing democracy not Monarchy: Yayah Jammel, Museiveini,Robert Mugabe and others who are not giving way for proper elections to take place in their country.

The media in Africa cannot just start branding Africa when some of their leaders are not ready to help in the rebranding! I watched the late Komla Dumor on Good evening Ghana with Paul Adom Okyere when he told viewers that, he don’t understand why people say BBC is fond of airing only negativities about Africa, when there are positives. The Boss Player made it clear to viewers that, they report on the so called negatives to make our leaders realize their pot holes and work on it.

4.Our leaders begin to patronize our public hospitals.

5.Our governments listen than waiting for STRIKE ACTIONS.

The media will succeed in branding Africa if;

6. We stop protecting the rich against the poor.

7. Our leaders use commercial buses, to feel the pot holes as their European counterparts do or park the V8s and use motorbikes or bicycles

8. The youth is EMPOWERED.

9. They stop giving the oppressors voice whiles silencing the disenfranchised.

10.Our Leaders STOP begging from IMF and WORLD BANK and start utilizing our own natural resources.

The media has done a lot already but our mentality is pulling us back. African states should sit up and wake up from their slumber and we will reach the HOPE and SUCCESS point.

You can contact the writer on 0249542342/0508609109

Columnist: Boateng, Emmanuel Agyemfra