
After Mahama And Saddik Murder, They Cannot Go On A Killing Spree

Wed, 2 Dec 2015 Source: Akwah, Nana

Violating other people's privacy is addictive. It's human nature. Once people gain the power to spy on other people's lives, they want to do it more and more. They will constantly seek new ways to do it, and more excuses to justify doing it as long as it suits their cause

The government is always threatening to turn into Big Brother. That's why it is so important for vigilant defenders of liberty to fight back; not only to rely on the courts for protection, but to make sure that we only elect politicians who will respect our right to privacy.

The NPP should reject the Government’s condemnation of the attack on the Headquarters last Monday.

The Party should state it does not want their condolences, sympathy or kind words. The Party should say in words that are evanescently put; I believe the highest leaders at the top of the power pyramid directly planned this nasty assault or were directly involved. They bungled it and now the entire country will wait to see what President Mahama and the Security Institutions are made of.

The leaders in the NDC, those who operate within the presidency and the wider Government are hopelessly incompetent. These people’s incompetence has no match the past umpteen centuries in politics anywhere in the world. Few governors in the exercise of power since several centuries have been so asininely inept in carrying out a conspiratorial attack.

However, the record of this government is replete with the imbecilic mistakes. There is an Interior Minister, whose remarks to register political vigilante groups is mind boggling.

This gentleman it was alleged was in contact with some well known figures of the 'Azorka vigilantes' of the night that the NPP Supporters were shot at during the NPP Executives elections at Tamale.

Then there is an Attorney General, Mrs. Betty Mould Iddrisu and her deputy. She is purported to have given the green light and signed her name on the Ministry of Justice and Attorney General’s letter head requesting to be facilitated in the payment of judgment debt.

In testimony in a Fast Track court, that "judgment debt" ended up in the hands of notorious swindlers. The AG's office helped to establish the judgment debt connection between Woyome and those at the top of the power pyramid in this land.

There is no reason to believe that those in the corridors of power are indeed stupid. Some big names within NDC and their friends include the Leviathan and the Leviathan’s twisted sycophants.

They are outrageously pompous and too powerful to be defeated that, they believe they can do anything and get away with it. So assured they are of their permanent power that they continuously chooses to foment the rumpus that led to the killing of Mahama and Saddik without even an infinitesimal thread of secrecy.

In full view of the world, men dressed in both military and police uniforms with AK-47s, machetes and cudgels in sacks, were smuggled to the headquarters with a view to implicate the NPP party.

Facts of the matter is that not all vehicles in the military has nomenclature nonetheless every vehicle have a unique registered number (i.e. 12 GA 34, 12 GN 34. The GA can be Ghana Army or Ghana Air Force and GN as Ghana Navy).

Most Military Vehicles that operates out of the barracks especially those at the Presidency/Civil establishment are suppose not to have Service or Formation or Unit identity for security reasons.

At times their apologist contributions to issues of national security interests are very shallow to say the least. What do they know about the military nomenclature or designated military vehicles?

This form of state terrorism together with Mahama and Saddik murderous rampage by NDC and Security apparatus conspiracy and complicity has catapulted them into the infamous limelight. Ghana is being watched by the comity of nations. They cannot kill their critics as they would like.

What would the NDC do now? They will now choose two pathways frame their opponents and hold them in prison of public court of opinion by appealing the decision of their rented press judges and political prosecutor’s jury, and try to denigrate the NPP by terrorist accusations.

There is need to analyze the press statement by the government. Enter the Security Institutions which has been accused of throwing a very unpleasant cache of Arms on the headquarters last Monday.

The choreographed attempt to make or paint the NPP black has shown that there was a pathological incompetence at work.

Now the Government and its collaborates of the likes of Messrs Ben Ephson, Kwesi Prattle Pratt, Bature of Al Hajj and others are stuck with a manifestation of asininities from which even their incestuous sleuths in the security echelons would not be able to rescue them.

Minutes after their choreographed assault on the headquarters, they (and by they, I am talking about the power pyramid) claimed to have a great knowledge of the ringleader, his motive and had an eyewitness at hand.

Acting foolishly, two persons chose to go to Odorkor Police alone. Why Odorkor Police alone? Because that is part of the dirty tricks campaign. But let’s see how they will get out of this cul-de-sac. The NDC and collaborates could have tried theft. They could have tried a gambling debt. They could have tried corruption. But they chose the path that people expected of them their usual terrorist and propaganda crime.

In the past it was "shit bombing". Now plant cache of weapons through clandestine, nefarious propaganda and accuse your opponent. What a shameful act and actions.

So they have to bring to the police the accused Invincible Forces and those who masterminded. There is no Invincible Forces and their associates, so they have to invent them.

They will invent them. But their invention will embarrass and expose them. Who will they choose? And would they want Sammy Crabbe or Paul Afoko or Kwabena Agyei Agyapong to end up being investigated by the media and the police.

Could they and their cohorts stand up to rigorous questioning? How will they coach them? Will their trainers be in the room when the police ask the questions? Will they be in the room when the media will let off their inquiries?

I’ve got news for President Mahama and the capos to the Security Institutions. You both may be facing fall from grace.

Columnist: Akwah, Nana