I?m absolutely thrilled to be writing this column and look forward to sharing with you what is essentially relevant for us to forge ahead as a nation. First of all l must say that I?m not a politician but l try to understand the politics of the day. In that l believe what has become the ultimate in understanding the truth is that danger bells are ringing for the national economy and absolutely unless agriculture succeeds, a nation can?t succeed.
The challenges I?m going to put forward in this piece is, what relevant role does agricultural extension play in national development? An in depth analysis shows that, a changing agriculture requires public and private institutions that are resilient and adaptable to new opportunities to come to terms with the reality. That means we must go beyond the drawing board and face the reality to bring food to the ordinary people.
What does agricultural extension mean if it is to bring about a desirable change and tangible results into food production and improved national economy? Agricultural extension is an applied behavioural science, which is applied to bring about desirable changes in the behavioural complex of farming community, usually through various strategies and programmes of change, by applying latest scientific and technological innovation. The system of extension was first used in the United States of America during the first decade of this century to connote the "extension of scientific agricultural production knowledge" from the agricultural colleges to the farming community through the process of informal education system. Better still, ?Extension? means ?reaching out,? The roots of U.S. agricultural extension go back to the early years of the country. There were agricultural societies and clubs after the American Revolution, and in 1810 came the first Farm Journal. It survived for only 2 years, but in 1819 John Stuart Skinner of Baltimore began publishing the American Farmer. Farmers were encouraged to report on their achievements and their methods of solving problems. Some worthwhile ideas, along with some utterly useless ones, appeared on the pages of the publication.
The Morrill Act of 1862 established land-grant universities to educate citizens in agriculture, home economics, mechanical arts, and other practical professions. Extension was formalized in 1914, with the Smith-Lever Act (link to that topic in About Us). It established the partnership between the agricultural colleges and the U.S. Department of Agriculture to provide for cooperative agricultural extension work. At the heart of agricultural extension work, according to the Act, was:
? Developing practical applications of research knowledge.
? Giving instruction and practical demonstrations of existing or improved practices or technologies in agriculture.
Smith-Lever mandated that the Federal Government (through USDA) provide each state with funds based on a population-related formula. The extension service?s first big test came during World War I, when it helped the nation meet its wartime needs by:
? Increasing wheat acreage significantly, from an average of 47 million acres annually in 1913 to 74 million in 1919.
? Helping the USDA implement its new authority to encourage farm production, marketing, and conserving of perishable products by canning, drying, and preserving.
? Helping to address war-related farm labor shortages at harvest time by organizing the Women?s Land Army and the Boys? Working Reserve.
More generally, extension's role in WWI helped it expand its reputation as an educational entity to one that also emphasized service for individuals, organizations, and the Federal Government.
During the Great Depression, state colleges and the USDA emphasized farm management for individual farmers. Extension agents taught farmers about marketing and helped farm groups organize both buying and selling cooperatives. At the same time, extension home economists taught farm women?who traditionally maintained the household?good nutrition, canning surplus foods, house gardening, home poultry production, home nursing, furniture refinishing, and sewing?skills that helped many farm families survive the years of economic depression and drought.
During World War II, the extension service again worked with farmers and their families, to secure the production increases essential to the war effort. Each year for 5 years, total food production increased. In 1944, food production was 38 percent above the 1935-1939 average. The Victory Garden Program was one of the most popular programs in the war period, and extension agents developed programs to provide seed, fertilizer, and simple gardening tools for victory gardeners. An estimated 15 million families planted victory gardens in 1942, and in 1943 some 20 million victory gardens produced more than 40 percent of the vegetables grown for that year's fresh consumption.
Between 1950 and 1997, the number of farms in the U.S. declined dramatically?from 5.4 million to 1.9 million. Because the amount of farmland did not decrease as much as the number of farms, the remaining farms have a larger average acreage. During the same period, farm production increased from one farmer supporting the food needs of 15.5 persons in 1950 to one farmer supporting 100 persons in 1990. By 1997, one farmer supported the food needs of almost 140 U.S. citizens. That increased productivity, despite the decline in farm numbers, resulted from increased mechanization, commercial fertilizers, new hybrid seeds, and other technologies. Extension played an important role in extending these new technologies to U.S. farmers and ranchers.
At that time, more than 50 percent of the U.S. population lived in rural areas, and 30 percent of the workforce was engaged in farming. Extension's engagement with rural America helped make possible the American agricultural revolution, which dramatically increased farm productivity:
Need for Adoption of Agricultural Extension System for Increased Productivity: The world population in 1990 was 1 billion, it became 2 billion by 1930, 3 billion by 1960 and by 2000 AD it is expected to touch 6.2 billion. However, in order to feed these teeming million the food demand will be in the order of 1550 billion tons at the rate of 250 kgs of cereal per capita and the world has already achieved in 1980 1587 billion tones of food production. Still hunger haunts the human race. The reason is not then the shortage but lack of purchasing power. In fact food is used as a weapon by the developed countries. It should have been the task of mankind to assure the people of this world at large of their right to be free from hunger through increased production. Increased agricultural production can be brought about by advocating the advanced scientific knowledge to bring about changes in the production standards of those areas where the potential is not fully exploited to the level the science has achieved today. For instance, more emphasis on sustainable organic agriculture and tangle research into indigenous knowledge will lessen our dependence on expensive agro-chemicals, which rather more increases production cost and its adverse health and environmental consequences. The Minister of Finance and Economic Planning Mr. Kwadwo Baah-Wiredu overly stated this in the 2006 budget to the nation the need for ?increased access to extension services.?
The extension education is the only means through which the desired transformations can be brought about in the agricultural land productivity of the farming community. It is in this perspective that technology development (through research) and technology transfer (through extension and education) have been identified as key inputs indispensable for developing and sustaining a productivity led agricultural sector. Yields are the eventual consequences of developmental efforts, and extension impact would be reflected more in yields than in other measures.
Research findings will be meaningless unless they are accepted by the farmers. The results of agricultural research should be available to the farmers through the network of extension system. Farmers are intelligent enough to adopt those technologies, which are beneficial and bring economic return. Now what is needed is healthy coordination between extension department and research institutions in a more effective way. At present the coordination seems to be almost illusive. One can say with considerable confidence that if extension and research work together shoulder to shoulder there is no reason why we will not be able to achieve self-sufficiency in food in our country. But to achieve this goal and objective the prime need is pledge together to achieve together. To make the sector commercially profitable, economically more vibrant and self-sustaining, we need to do more and say less about the drive for modernizing agriculture.