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Akufo-Addo-Bawumia's hospital projects – True or false, o, ye NDC lying folks?

John Mahama And Nana Akufo Addo President Nana Akufo Addo with his vice, Mahamudu Bawumia

Sun, 28 Jul 2024 Source: Rockson Adofo

It has just been conveyed to my attention by my trusted brother-in-law, a respectable legal practitioner, the enviable achievements by President Nana Akufo-Addo and his Vice President Dr Mahamudu Bawumia in hospital projects.

Are the NDC going to deny credit to President Akufo-Addo/Dr Bawumia for the realisation of the hospitals as specified below?

Are they rather going to credit them to Mr John Dramani Mahama and the NDC as they normally, but deceitfully do all the time?

Has John Mahama now grown such a big brain capable of thinking, and able to build that many hospitals?

This question is posed to the public upon the simple understanding and the common public knowledge that Mr Mahama has himself written in his book “My first Coup d’etat”, that he has since his infancy not been able to think out, or take, any decision by himself.

Can a person with such self-confessed magnitude of disability ever be able to initiate the thought of, let alone, building that many hospitals of vast national economic and health benefits? I doubt it.

When will the NDC learn to give the devil his due? When will the NDC cease believing that all Ghanaians are fools hence they can take us as such all the time?

Yes, all Ghanaians may have a short memory as proudly asserted by Mr John Dramani Mahama but all Ghanaians cannot be fools all the time. This claim by me is supported by Abraham Lincoln, who said, “You can fool some of the people all of the time, and all of the people some of the time, but you cannot fool all of the people all of the time.”

Who was Abraham Lincoln, you may ask? “Abraham Lincoln was an American lawyer, politician, and statesman who served as the 16th president of the United States from 1861 until his assassination in 1865.”

Are the hospitals indeed built to their various stages as hereby indicated?


1. Akontombra

2. Bogoso

3. Elubo

4. Mpohor

5. Nsuaem

6. Wassa Dunkwa

7. Weta, Volta Region

8. Somanya

9. Tolon

10. Sawla

11. Buipe

12. Bamboi

13. Suame

14. Twedie

15. Sabronum

16. Drobonso

17. Manso Nkwanta

18. Mim

19. Nkwatia

20. Kwabeng, Atiwa West

21. Adukrom

22. Achiase

23. Jumapo

24. Kpone Katamanso

25. Sefwi Asawinso

26. Ashaiman Polyclinic

27. Adentan/Ogbojo Polyclinic

28. Bortianor Polyclinic

29. Oduman Polyclinic

30. Sege Polyclinic

31. Modernization of Tetteh Quarshie Memorial Hospital

32. Modernization of Kibi District Hospital

33. Modernization of Aburi Hospital

34. Modernization of Atibie Hospital

35. Bolgatanga Regional Hospital (Phase III)

36. 38m Euro Urology and Nephrology Centre, Korle Bu

37. UGMC Phase II


1. Ga East Municipal Hospital (commissioned in 2019)

2. Wa Regional Hospital (commissioned in 2019)

3. Nsawkaw (commissioned in 2021)

4. Tepa District Hospital (commissioned in 2021)

5. Twifo Praso District Hospital ((commissioned in 2021)

6. Konongo Odumasi District Hospital ((commissioned in 2022)

7. 250 bed Ashanti Regional Hospital in Sewua (to be commissioned in 2024)

8. 500 bed Afari Military Hospital in Ashanti (to be commissioned in 2024)

9. Salaga district Hospital (68% complete)


1. 100 bed Obuasi Trauma

2. Obuasi Health Centre

3. 100 bed Anyinam Hospital

4. 40 bed Enyiresi Hospital

5. 750 bed KATH Maternity and Children’s block

6. 285 bed Eastern Regional Hospital, Koforidua

7. Expansion of Shama Hospital (100 beds being added)

8. 180 bed La General Hospital

9. 400 bed Tema General Hospital

10. Central Medical Stores

11. Effia Nkwanta Hospital

12. New Western Regional Hospital

13. Rehabilitation of National Diabetes Centre, Korle Bu

14. 100 bed Weija Gbawe


The Hospitals comprise of:

- 104 District Hospitals

- 7 Regional Hospitals

- 2 Regional Psychiatric Hospitals

- 1 National Psychiatric Hospital (Accra Psychiatric Hospital

1. Asunafo South

2. Bodi

3. Dormaa Central

4. Suaman

5. Techiman North

6. Sunyani West

7. Atwima Mponua

8. Bia East

9. Berekum West

10. Asutifi North

11. Upper Denkyira West

12. Gomoa Central

13. Assin South

14. Twifo Heman

15. Ahanta West

16. Akyemansa

17. Birim South

18. Awutu Senya

19. Agona East

20. Asene Manso Akroso

21. Mpohor

22. Assin North

23. Atiwa West

24. Asuogyaman

25. Kwahu Afram Plains South

26. La-Nkwantanang Madina

27. Ejura Sekyedumase

28. Fanteakwa South

29. Upper West Akim

30. Awutu Senya East

31. Ablekuma West Municipal

32. Adentan Municipal

33. Ablekuma Central

34. AMA

35. Ningo Prampram

36. Nkwanta North

37. Ga Central

38. Ada West

39. Kadjebi

40. Krachi Nchumuru

41. Jasikan

42. Ashaiman

43. Tema West

44. Ayawaso West

45. Ga South

46. Wadie Dumakase

47. Wa West

48. Nanton

49. Savelugu Municipal

50. Lambussie Karni

51. North Gonja

52. Saboba

53. Wa East

54. Daffiama Bussie Issa

55. North East Gonja

56. Sissala West

57. Nanumba South

58. Sagnariga Municipal

59. Garu

60. Kassena Nankana West

61. Pusiga

62. Bolgatanga East

63. Binduri

64. Mion

65. Bunkpurugu Nyankpanduri

66. Tempane

67. Kpandai

68. Mamprugu Moagduri

69. Yunyoo Nasuan

70. Kumbungu

71. Chereponi

72. Builsa South

73. Nabdam

74. Akatsi North

75. South Dayi

76. Adaklu

77. Tamale (Psychiatric Hospital)

78. Anloga

79. Afadzato South

80. Sene East

81. Ho West

82. Pru West

83. Agortime Ziope

84. Nkoranza North

85. Akatsi

86. Atwima Kwanwoma

87. Oforikrom Municipal

88. Atwima Nwabiagya North

89. Afigya Kwabre North

90. Afigya Kwabre South

91. Adansi Asokwa

92. Bosome Freho

93. Ahafo Ano South East

94. Amansie South

95. Sekyere Central

96. Ahafo Ano South West

97. Ejisu

98. Asokore Mampong

99. Akrofuom

100. KMA

101. Obuasi East


1. Àdaklu (96% as at Apri 2024)

2. Korle bu Centre

3. Sewua

4. Zebilla – 36 bed (86% as at April 2024)

5. Dodowa 20 bed (Completed)

6. Pantang (Completed)

7. Asawinso - 20 bed (93% as at April 2024)

8. Goaso – 20 bed (91% as at April 2024)

9. Cape Coast (Completed)

10. Nalerigu – 36 bed

11. Sunyani 36 bed (63 % as at April 2024)

12. Kumasi South – 21 bed

13. Aflao – 21 bed (95% as at April 2024)

14. Elubo – 21 bed (Completed)

15. Keta – 21 bed (Completed)

16. Koforidua – 21 bed (57% as at April 2024)

17. Dodowa + 6 Staff bungalows

18. Nkenkasu

19. Effia

20. Nkwanta

21. Pantang

22. Nsawam


1. Fomena (completed)

2. Kumawu (completed)

3. Sekondi – Takoradi (Completed)

4. Bekwai – Completed

5. Radiotherapy & Nuclear Medicine Services at KBTH (Completed)

6. Radiotherapy & Nuclear Medicine Services at KATH (Completed)

7. Bolga Regional Hospital (Completed)

For that of Kumawu which is about a kilometre or two away from my teak plantation, it is real and fully operational. When it was then 80% + completed, I passed by the area and could attest to its veracity. I even published an article about it.

Now that it is completed and fully operational, I have been made aware of it. As I speak, the remains of one of my wife’s eldest sisters, Madam Juliana Ataa, the wife of Mr Kwabena Opoku, once my Senior School Prefect at Kumawu L/A Middle School in 1970, is in that hospital’s morgue.

NDC serial callers, NDC members, agents, and assigns, do the listed hospitals in this publication exist in their specified stages of completion? Please answer me in YES or NO. I don’t want any ifs or buts.

Were they constructed by Mr John Dramani Mahama, but credit unfortunately given to Nana Akufo-Addo/Dr Bawumia?

Did John Mahama initiate the free Senior High School education? Anyone believing that Mr Mahama introduced the free Senior High School education was either born yesterday or must be sick in their head, if I should be frank with them.

Bravo to “Addo Show Boy “and his humble “driver’s mate” Dr Bawumia. More grease to their elbows!

Columnist: Rockson Adofo