
Akufo-Addo Condemns Death Warrant On Atuguba!

Sat, 6 Jul 2013 Source: Okoampa-Ahoofe, Kwame

By Kwame Okoampa-Ahoofe, Jr., Ph.D.

After foolhardily serenading "Justice" Francis Yaonasu Kpegah as being akin to "a tree stump" that was "not afraid of water," and relentlessly determined to forensically expose Nana Akufo-Addo for practising law under false pretences, and royally failing in his quixotic and contractually paid enterprise, the shameless Long Island University, Brooklyn Campus, Resident Star-Nigger and Trokosi Goon is now pretending to be supportive of Justice William Atuguba; but, of course, the bloody judicial track-record of the so-called National Democratic Congress (NDC) is too indelibly incarnadine to be so readily whitewashed with lies and brazen misrepresentations.

In his latest installment, the LIU, Brooklyn, SOB would have his audience believe that in terms of professional acumen and stature, Justice Atuguba is in the same league as the immortalized Chief Justice Edward Akufo-Addo; and so this scandalous scoundrel has composed a characteristically sophistic and halting article titled "Contempt of Court: Akufo-Addo Supports Punishment for Culprit" (See 7/2/13).

The NDC Trokosi-Wing goon also, ironically, has the temerity to describe Chief Justice Akufo-Addo as "one of the accomplished legal brains of the 'Mate Me Ho' camp." What is laughable here, though, is that while he insists that Justice Atuguba is apt in summarily rounding up media operatives and political activists for judicial dressing down and custodial sanctions; and also that the president of the 9-member panel deliberating on the Akufo-Addo/NPP presidential election petition has convincingly demonstrated laudable judicial impartiality, at least thus far, nonetheless, the Kpegah sleuthing adjunct also claims paradoxically that Nana Akufo-Addo is "today fighting himself lame" (whatever such nonsensical phraseology is meant to imply) "trying to become Ghana's President through the backdoor, USING THE DARK CHAMBERS OF THE SUPREME COURT and not the polling booths or the ballot papers!" (Upper-case letters added).

Just what does this NDC blowhard mean by Akufo-Addo's attempting to use "THE DARK CHAMBERS OF THE SUPREME COURT and not the polling booths or ballot papers!"? Is he hinting at the predictable and eerie fact of another death warrant and Mafia-style execution plot awaiting the Atuguba panel members, in the highly likely event of the Mahama government being legitimately recalled by the august Supreme Court of Ghana to its rightful position on the margins of political opposition?

Needless to say, the preceding ominous characterization of the Supreme Court as a "dark chamber" ought to warn Justice Atuguba of the fact that he may well be a marked man by the NDC goon squad, the second generation of the same squad that summarily liquidated Justices Koranteng-Addow, Agyepong and Sarkodie. Note also the following telling parenthetical phrase from one paragraph of the Trokosi goon's article: "Two main perspectives from which they have prosecuted their [NPP] anti-Atuguba agenda are clear...(by wrongly associating Justice Atuguba with NDC)...." Is this another subtle pointer at the fact that Justice Atuguba may very well be suspected of harboring ideological sentiments that are diametrically anthetical to the political agenda of the Trokosi-Wing of the National Democratic Congress?

The Trokosi hack's suave trotting in of the diversionary twaddle of tribalism as a prime motive of the NPP petitioners ought not to fool Justice Atuguba into erroneously believing that he is surrounded by protective company. The Trokosi-Wing operatives of the National Democratic Congress have absolutely no genuine friends outside the parochial confines of their blood-guzzling circle. Talk of Draculas in our midst!

I have decided here not to expansively examine the grossly out-of-context quote from Justice Akufo-Addo, because it is far more urgent to promptly alert Justice Atuguba and his eight associates to what the hideous NDC Trokosi reprobates have been cooking for them, should the Supreme Court aptly rule on the basis of justice and fair play.

Suffice it observe here that in the quotes attributed to Justice Akufo-Addo, the latter categorically notes that there is no constitutional provision that authorizes the Supreme Court of Ghana to abridge the right of citizens to free speech; and that it was purely on the basis of the arbitrary exertion of its power in the perceived greater good of the nation that the Supreme Court was poised to sanctioning the "vulnerable" persons arraigned before him by the Attorney-General.

In other words, Justice Akufo-Addo was not personally enthusiastic in arbitrarily applying punitive sanctions against the media operatives brought before him, however gulity they may have stood in breach of the law. The Trokosi hack does not even tell his audience what punitive sanction Chief Justice Akufo-Addo imposed on the accused in reference. And so where does this SOB arrive at his conclusion of Justice Akufo-Addo's being futuristically on the side of the free-speech truncating Justice Atuguba? Go figure!


*Kwame Okoampa-Ahoofe, Jr., Ph.D.

Department of English

Nassau Community College of SUNY

Garden City, New York

July 2, 2013



Columnist: Okoampa-Ahoofe, Kwame