
Almighty God Will Forever Deliver Me From Evil

Thu, 8 May 2014 Source: Sangaparee, Clement

– Part One

When you dig a pit for some one to fall in, never you forget that you may be the one. When the NDC is in opposition they put a Positive Tag on me and encourage me to write more articles, but when it is in power, I get a Negative Tag as some party members kick against the articles I write. I am very much aware of all the EVIL and WICKED machinations that have been going on all over the place even within the NDC Party in my Constituency at Obuasi to give me a Negative Tag since March 2009, but I am not PERTURBED ONE BIT. It will be recalled that the former MCE for Obuasi once reported me to the National Security Outfit in Accra accusing me of destroying the NDC Party because of the articles I have been writing to the media-Can you imagine this? You may not believe this, but it happened live in the Obuasi Constituency and the party remained divided from 2009 to 2012 because of extreme greed, lies and pull him down attitude. I twice went to the Regional Security outfit and all the allegations of that MCE turned out to be completely false, and with his back against the wall, he put his tail in between his legs and fled. He once bragged that I will get a job to do in the NDC government over his dead body. I replied him that the great NDC is not his personal property and I called his bluff and continued writing even more powerful articles to the media more than ever because I serve the NDC and not, repeat not some selfish individuals in positions of trust like him at all, it is all sheer envy and jealously-period, Proverbs Chapter 5 verse 22 and 23 says: The evil deeds of a wicked man ensnare him. The cords of his sin hold him fast. He will die for lack of discipline, led astray by his own great folly. If you read Psalm 141 verse 5 to 10 it says; let a righteous man strike me –it says; kindness; let him rebuke me- it is oil on my head. My head will not refuse it. Yet my prayers is ever against the deeds of evil doers, their rulers will be thrown down from the cliffs and the wicked will learn that my words were well spoken. They will say…as one ploughs and breaks up the earth so our bombs have been scattered at the mouth of the grave. But my eyes are fixed on you, O sovereign Lord, in you I take refuge-do not give me over to death.

Keep me from the traps set by evil doers, let the wicked fall into their own nets, while I pass by in safety. I have no weapons of warfare, my only weapons of war fear is in the Almighty God with which I defeated and will continue to defeat all my enemies for I have paid a high price for my principled position from the PNDC era in 1982 up to date 2014, you calculate the years, from September 1979, when the former Chairman of the AFRC, ELL, LT. JJ Rawlings handed over to the late Dr. Hilla Limann’s government, members of the June Four Movement including this writer were hunted like animals by the Military Intelligence (MI) operatives on the orders of Col. Annor Odjidja who ordered them to shoot June Four Cadres on sight. We outwitted Col. Odjidja and his men and went underground and organized Ghanaians at the grass root to support a future Peoples Revolution that was in the offing and the revolution was actually launched on 31st December, 1981 and Ghanaians from all walks of life except the PNP Supporters threw their weight behind that Popular Revolution-that is why the NDC is heir to the June Four Revolution. None of those wasting all their time and energy fabricating stories, character assassinations and back biting me were in the treanches with me during the period between September 30th 1979 to 30th December 1980 when June Four Cadres were being chased by Col. Odjidja the then head of Military intelligence under the PNP government of Dr. Hilla Limann, Again, when FLT. Lt. J.J. Rawlings, the former PNDC Chairman wanted brave and patriotic young men and women to stick their necks out to be counted as PDC’s and WDC’s in January 1982, none of these back biters, fabricators and character assassinators were there. Those who were young men and women at that time rather hid under their fathers’ bedrooms out of FEAR - such cowards. I boldly joined that revolution until the country returned to constitutional rule in January 1993. Some few latter day saints within the NDC have tried very hard to have my head chopped off, but the good Lord has always kept my head very firmly on my neck to the annoyance and shock of my detractors since they are not God.


I am therefore using this opportunity to appeal to this Excellency, President John Dramani Mahama not to give all his ears to the strange new stomach politicians of today, he should rather pay a lot of attention to the committed Old Voice of yesterday because they are the foundation of the NDC who have no where to go apart from remaining in the NDC and supporting the party. God knows that my agenda is to support every progressive government to succeed right from Dr. Kwame Nkrumahs’ time in government 1954-1966 when I played the role of a Young Pioneer Cadre from 1959-1966-June Four Cadre September 1979-30th December 1980. The PNDC era- Chairman of the Arbitration and Complaints Department from 1983-1993 (Arbicom Departmental as a C.D.R. Member. Let me therefore remind all those backbiters, political novices and my detractors that they are hitting their bare feet against a very hard and solid rock because I DID NOT JOIN THE NDC as a common party supporter, but I AM RATHER ONE OF THE FOUNDER MEMBERS OF THE NDC, so those of you backbiting and fabricating your own stories about me is your own cups of tea for you to drink with disgrace and discomfort. You dare not, and if you dare me, then bring it on, and we all see the end results. Things are not going on well on the ground at all, and the better the NDC government wakes up to this reality; the better it will be for the country. My Enemies Shall Not Prevail Long lives the NDC, long live the President, long live Ghana. I shall return.

Is anybody littering? I shall return when the need arise. I am done ‘Jaanbie Iwaii” Alluta Continua!


Clement Sangaparee

United Cadres Front



All Media Houses


e-mail clementsang@yahoo.comm

Columnist: Sangaparee, Clement