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No distinction between elected and appointed Assembly members

Tue, 19 Dec 2006 Source: GNA

Bimbilla (N/R), Dec. 19, GNA - Mr Issah Ketekewu, Deputy Northern Regional Minister, has stated that elected or appointed Assembly members share equal powers and privileges as provided under the law and as such no distinction should be made between them in the execution of their functions.

He said the power of the District Assembly was vested in the members as an institution and that decisions must therefore be taken collectively.

=93No individual should arrogate to himself the powers of the Assembly, otherwise, it will derail the process,=94 Mr Ketekewu warned when addressing the opening ceremony of a one-week training course for new members of the Nanumba North District Assembly in Bimbilla on Monday.

The training course, organised by the Ministry of Local Government, Rural Development and Environment is to equip the Assembly members with the skills required to make good decisions as a collective body for the development of their communities.

Mr. Ketekewu said as the highest political authority of the district, the Assemblies' decisions should not be subjected to any litigation and that it should conduct its affairs as an institution. He noted that the Assembly was essentially a system with several component parts, each of which must function in order to make the whole unit effective. "There should be no room for political bickering, personality clashes and struggle for power".

Mr Ketekewu reiterated the need for District Assemblies to intensify their local revenue mobilisation and not to rely on the Common Fund. "Locally generated revenue is critical as a measure of the effectiveness of decentralisation",=94 he added.

He said the level of local revenue generated remained is therefore seen and used as an indicator of the willingness of the people to support and participate in their local governance.

Mr Salifu Sa-eed, Nanumba North District Chief Executive, urged the Assembly members not to let partisan politics influence them in their deliberations in the house but rather, they should forge together in unity to address the development challenges facing the people. He told the Assembly members to identify the problems of their communities and see how they can harness resources to undertake projects that would benefit the people at the grassroots level. He hinted that projects would be awarded and implemented in communities based on the level and readiness of the people in the area to pay their taxes. 19 Dec. 06

Source: GNA