
America’s Greatness: A Ghanaian Perspective

Sun, 31 Oct 2010 Source: The Emperor

On the eleventh of September 2001, the whole world bore witness to the unimaginable. America, the greatest country here on Earth, was attacked. Like the walls of Jericho, the Twin Towers in the city of New York came tumbling down. Most of us saw, on our televisions, how two Boeing planes crashed into these two sky-scrapers. The horrendous sight of people jumping from these two towers for dear life was sad, to say the least. In fact, the pandemonium was beyond the description of words. For years, the Twin Towers--together with Time Square, the Statue of liberty and Central Park, were New York’s pride and joy. All of a sudden, these monumental buildings were no more. The Twin Towers, which for a number of years graced the New York’s skyline, became one with the dust. Of course, the lost of lives during the assault cannot be forgotten. It’s estimated that no less than 3030 people lost their lives. Indeed, a far too high a number if you ask me. For the city of New York and its people, 9/11 would forever be remembered. The tragedy, which transpired on this solemn date, wont fade from their memory any time soon.

It has been nine years since America came under an attack. Still, most people cannot fathom how on Earth that came to be. According to some, 9/11 was an inside job. Others argue that 9/11 was a terrorist attack. I, for one, believe that 9/11 was an inside job. As a matter of fact, I believe that 9/11 was America’s chicken coming home to roost. You see, for years, America has been terrorizing some parts of the world, just to get access to the wealth in those parts of the world. The American government has been staging coups d’etat in various countries around the world, just to control these countries. Also, America has made several assassination attempts on various world leaders like Fidel Castro, Hugo Chavez, Mahmoud Ahmadinejad of Iran, just because these men subscribe to a different political ideology. America has invaded countries, spilled the blood of innocent children, and stolen the wealth of these countries so that Americans could live in overabundance.

As the world’s one and only super-power, America’s tyranny and arrogance cannot be matched. In fact, America has made the world its bitch. Whatever America wants, America takes without asking. Nobody, it seems, could stop America, not even the United nations. When America needed an excuse to invade Iraq for its oil, the war-mongers within the American government simply pulled down the Twin Towers to make it look as if the late Saddam Hussein was behind it. First, America told the world that Saddam had weapons of mass destruction. When the truth came out that America was lying, the war-mongers, who were desperate to invade Iraq for her wealth, came up with another plan--which would see the world rallying behind them in sympathy. The plan was; 9/11. Sure enough, this plan worked out brilliantly. Finally, the war-mongers had an excuse to invade Iraq. Of course, a very sick excuse--which came at the expense of 3030 human lives. Then again, who told you that war-mongers had respect for life, let alone human life? In America, it’s all ‘bout the money.

America is, without a doubt, the greatest country here on Earth. Her greatness, however, wasn’t only realized on the backs of slaves and tyranny but also on patriotism. Yes, patriotism. You see, Americans love their country to death. Also, noticeably, Americans want their country to be the best in everything. As a result, America, as a country, has become a brand in demand all over the world. In short, America is the greatest country here on Earth because Americans refuse to settle for anything order than great. Hence, their greatness. Folks, Ghana doesn’t have to do what America does to be great. Our country doesn’t need to invade other countries for their wealth. Luckily, we have all that we need to survive and more. Sadly, what’s keeping this country from being great is the lack of love. We Ghanaians don’t care, let alone love our country the same way the Americans do. We are not patriotic enough. On the day that we Ghanaians would love our country the same way that we love God, Ghana would be the greatest country here on Earth.

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The Emperor

Columnist: The Emperor