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An Energised Tourism, Arts and Culture Ministry: Egyapa Mercer sets the tone for bold solutions

Tourism Egyapa Mercer Solutions .jpeg Egyapa Mercer is Minister of Tourism, Arts and Culture

Sun, 19 May 2024 Source: Shadrach Owusu

One of the most energetic, dynamic stars in our political firmament is Hon. Andrew Egyapa Mercer, MP for Sekondi, popularly known as ‘Bobo’, and who until recently, was the Deputy Minister for Energy. He has for some time now been the President’s representative at the Ministry of Tourism, Arts and Culture, and has recently been confirmed by Parliament of his appointment as the substantive Minister.


A lawyer by training, Hon. Mercer who turns 51 in a few days, was considered by many at his erstwhile Ministry as a leader who is hard-working, focused and results-driven with an incredible eye for detail, no doubt gleaned from his legal training. His former colleagues also note that he has a light-hearted side that saw him interact informally with colleagues, from directors to janitors when the need arose. Whilst many are sorry to see him leave the Energy Ministry, there is equally some considerable delight over his elevation to substantive Minister.


He has been a regular guest on various media platforms to explain key policy issues in the energy sector. On several other occasions, he stood in effortlessly for the sector Minister, Dr. Matthew Opoku Prempeh on crucial assignments.


Hon. Mercer intends to bring his energetic, dynamic brand to the Tourism Ministry and has already held several meetings with key senior officials of the Ministry, key sector agencies, and other stakeholders in the sector to receive briefings and to set out his vision for this sector. Early indications are that he appears to have made quite an impression with his quick grasp of the issues at stake and the steps that would need to be taken in the months ahead.


It is quite a tall order, but there is a certain bright optimism within the corridors of the Ministry and the sector at large that ‘Bobo’ certainly is bringing bring some fresh perspectives to this important sector.

The writer, Shadrach Owusu, is Press Secretary to the minister

Columnist: Shadrach Owusu