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An open letter to the Israeli Ambassador to Ghana, Shlomit Sufa

Shlomit Sufa.jpeg Israel Ambassador to Ghana, Shlomit Sufa

Thu, 6 Jun 2024 Source: Anas Sandow

I write this letter on behalf of the hundreds of thousands of Palestinian women and children who have been displaced within the past weeks and now lack food, shelter, water, and medicine.

I write this letter on behalf of the slaughtered toddlers including the 45 vulnerable systematically targeted and killed in the attack on the Tent of Rafah. I write this letter on behalf of the destroyed hospitals, schools, mosques, churches, universities, medical, relief and humanitarian agencies, centres and teams.

I write this letter on behalf of the over 35,800 martyrs including the hundreds of thousands who have been critically wounded in the unprecedented genocidal attacks on Gaza by your racist blood-sucking regime. In the same vein, I write this letter on behalf of the innocent ones who have been killed or injured in the Zionist regime`s enclave from Hamas’s October 7 attack and the innocent who are still held captive from both sides of the spectrum.

This letter is primarily addressed to you against the background of the fact that the attention of the Muslim Community in Ghana and beyond has been drawn to a donation of food items by your diplomatic mission in Accra to the Zongo and Inner-Cities Development Secretariat on Tuesday, 9 April 2024.

The donation was reportedly meant to be distributed to the Muslim community in Ghana (to celebrate Eidul Fitr) while their brothers and sisters are being subjected to organized, large scale and systematic torture, murder racial discrimination, and human rights violations in Gaza by your criminal Zionist regime`s war machine.

Miss Shlomit Sufa, the Ghanaian Muslim community cannot be used to cover the genocide, war crimes and crimes against humanity consciously committed against the Muslim women and children of Gaza by your occupying, criminal, oppressive, and apartheid Zionist regime.

The Muslim community in Ghana strongly regard your Zionist regime as a cancerous tumour and must not be used to make a mockery of Islam, the Ghanaian Muslim community, humanists and humanity, who for certain reasons could not express their anxieties against the wanton disregard for the sanctity of the human soul practically exhibited in Gaza by your apartheid war mongering right-wing hawks.

In defining the world, the Zongo community, which is predominantly Muslim, places emphasis on global ummah and the global Muslim community is borderless. Whatever affects a Muslim in Gaza or Palestine automatically impacts Muslims around the world including the Zongo.

It is unacceptable for your child-killing apartheid regime to be using the Muslim women and children of Gaza for regular target practice, starvation and deprivation whilst claiming to donate food items to their Muslim counterparts in Ghana.

The gesture on the pretext of humanitarian intervention exhibited by yourself on April 9, 2024, was hypocritical, reckless and a conscious effort to cover the crimes against the humanity of Palestine by the fanatically broken bunch of genocidal Zionist maniacs led by Benjamin Netanyahu the war criminal and butcher of Gaza and Rafah.

To discover the reality, in the Holy Month of Ramadan and other Islamic festive seasons, individuals, states, institutions irrespective of nationality, faith, class, colour, have always mobilized resources to support the Muslim community in the country to consolidate the harmony and spirit of togetherness that have existed between and among the se entities and the Zongo Muslim community from time immemorial.

In effect, such humanitarian interventions redeem lives, address emergency needs, build resilience, strengthen capacity, play a role in communities recovering, and contribute to fixing long-standing humanitarian challenges.

However, the Zongo community is fully aware and strongly frowns upon the conscious conduct of Zionists and Zionists who take inspiration from murder, racial discrimination and segregation, while claiming to be champions of humanitarian intervention. An intervention by a murderous and racist regime directed at the same community whose brothers are at the receiving end of Zionist indiscriminate bombardment is absurd and must be condemned in no uncertain terms.

In an absolute and strongest condemnation of the terrifying scenes of tents in flames and burned victims in Rafah, many of whom were women and children, I urge you to desist from the reckless gestures in the name of assisting the Zongo community to obscure the barbarism and double standard of your occupying criminal apartheid regime.

The despicable acts and vicious disregard for the lives of the innocent women and children of Palestine by your regime has been overshadowed by the racist and ethnic cleansing tendencies to wipe out the Palestinian populace off the map of West Asia.

I, therefore, use this medium to caution the Israeli embassy in Accra, from using the Zongo community to cover the genocidal crimes committed in Palestine. The Zongo Community in Ghana does not need any humanitarian aid from racists and murderous regimes.

Long Live Palestine, Long Live the Resistance, Long Live Hamas.

Columnist: Anas Sandow