
And Ghanaians are hungry while Iddrisu Mahama enjoys a banquet

Sat, 20 Feb 2016 Source: Dabbousi, Fabi

By Fadi Dabbousi

History is flooded with instances of unrests, uprisings, and wars, for no other reason than the exasperation of distraught peoples taken for granted, downtrodden, and hungry. In all those events, the end results were similar. Leaders were humiliated; beaten; incarcerated; massacred or executed. Strives took over everywhere like a tsunami of vengeance that inevitably took its toll on the very people who temporarily became self-styled vaqueros riding their egos like unrelenting cowboys on horseback trying to prove their skills after the flocks had been penned. After all was that not the same thing that was visited upon Ghanaians in 1979 and 1981 under the murderous leadership of JJ Rawlings, the founder of the violent NDC?

Hunger has always been the catalyst for social vices. We have a bunch of hungry urchins in government who care not for man or beast, except to feast on “kafta roasts, mixed meat grills, homos, garlic paste and pita bread”. The shame is in the insouciant demeanour of these “greedy bastards” and “babies with sharp teeth”. Oh Rawlings, as much as I dislike you for your bloodstained past, I cannot but thank you for this very apt description of your criminal NDC cadres at the helm of affairs in Ghana.

I am sure the statement “babies with sharp teeth” best fitted Iddrisu Mahama, recently. He needed them to gnaw at the meat that he chewed at a banquet on one of his trips abroad. Is it any surprise, then, that he wasted over one million Ghana Cedis of the taxpayers’ money on the trip? I mean Ghanaians complain a lot. What was he expected to pay with for this largess, excessive indulgence, and tomfoolery? I cannot help being sarcastic about this audacious development. Pictures of his indulgence at the banquet are everywhere in the public domain for people to digest. Maybe they might get satisfied just chewing photos of the food that Haruna Iddrisu ate.

The shame is that Ghanaians continue to say “fa ma nyame”(leave it to GOD). These days such a statement is nothing but gross blasphemy because not until we begin to help ourselves, “Nyame” (GOD) will not help us. Billions of dollars are stolen or blown unnecessarily, while teachers, government trainees, Doctors, nurses, and civil servants are hungry. I mean they are literally hungry. Some sleep on grumbling stomachs. Water is now so expensive that people can barely afford sachets of it at 30 pesewas. The President spends the nation’s money in many adulterous ways, the latest being his trip to Iran. He boastfully made a specific statement that the purpose of this travel was to make history by being the first African president to visit that country after the lifting of sanctions off it.

Haruna Iddrisu, do you know how many Ghanaians sleep on empty stomachs? You small boy with an elastic stomach that can stretch for as long as there is food and money to pack in, do you know that your actions are insulting and distasteful? I have no doubt in my mind that you will be hauled before court for your corrupt caprices, soon? Do you know that people are cursing you for the ill-treatment that you are meting out to them? You simply don’t care! Instead of fighting the loudmouthed braggart Fiifi Kwertey for his blasphemous abomination against Islam and Muslims when he stated that “A Muslim can never be President in Ghana”, you are busy chewing meat and belching like an overstuffed Viking. It does not surprise me anymore, after all, your cohort, Mr Muntaka, also spent millions on chichinga (skewed meat) and diapers. You people are sick!

On November 7th 2016, over 70% of Ghana’s electorate will vote against your NDC to save Ghana the disgrace of having a bunch of buffoons as your outfit in Power.

Columnist: Dabbousi, Fabi