
Are Ghanaians righteous?

Thu, 9 Sep 2010 Source: Donkor, Samuel


-are Ghanaians righteous?

by Samuel Donkor

According to scriptures of all the religions of the World, it is written;

'Righteousness Exalt a Nation or Godliness Exalt a Nation.' Godliness, of

course, is Righteousness.

This scriptural quotation is true and a fact, that cannot be over emphasised

There are many practical examples in the past and present World to this.

By the way, what is righteousness, one may ask. Righteousness is the passion or

virtue of doing the right things at all times.Being virtuous, self-discipline,

law abiding and the tendency to Godliness.

By definition and practice, it is a people that make a nation.And therefore, it

the righteousness of the majority individual citizens that exalt a nation. A

nation with citizens that are unscrupulous, corrupt, lawless,carefree, cheats,

greedy and indiscipline can never be exalted. Such a nation heads for disaster.

In this country Ghana, renowned Pastors, Priests, religious leaders and social

commentators have regularly made references to this quotation in preaching. But

how serious has it gone down into the people, members of churches and other

religious organizations and applied to their lives and characters.How far has it

gone to influence their attitudes and behaviors in their way of life in the

society and the nation at large.

Inspite of the everyday preachings of these scriptures in the Churches, Mosques

and other religious organizations, the people are still in their sinful nature

and have never changed. The people are still unrighteous ,

indiscipline,carefree, cheats greedy and lawless. They still live in sin and

expect their Presidents and politicians to use magic wands to change their

economic woes and under developments overnight.

The gospel truth, and is a fact, that it is the righteousness of the majority

individual people of the western world, their virtue to the right things at all

times, their self- discipline, law abiding and scrupulousness and hard work that

has made their countries what they are today and which we always exalt and envy.

Ghanaians make regular references to the Tigers of Asia, in relation to their

advancement in development, even though both countries started off the same

time. But the fact of the matter and what Ghanaians forget to recognize is that,

the people and citizens of these countries are religiously disciplined, very

righteous, doing the right things at all times, law abiding,scrupulous,

respectful, God fearing, and hard working. They are a diligent religious


Today in Ghana, the average Ghanaian is unrighteous and lawless. There is

indiscipline all over the places. The civil servant, the public servant,the

trader, the school boy, the politician, the man of God, are all corrupt lawless,

indiscipline and dishonest one way or the other. With this character in society,

the country can never move forward. The time has come for Ghanaians to do the

right things at all times and get seriously born again in righteousness for

Ghana to be exalted once again.

Failure to get our moral values right, this country is bound to chaos.

The Ghanaian society is today without values and rotten. The society is morally

decayed and needs a complete overhaul in leadership direction, perception and


The most immediate, visible and indisciplined group of people in the Ghanaian

society are the drivers on the streets and roads and the youth. Also, the most

visible corrupt people are the public and civil servants. This is a fact that

everyone knows and can never be denied in the continent of Africa, which is a

canker that is retarding the development of the countries within.

It is really sad to note that, many national leaders and power seekers, before

the republican system and after, have never and are still not learning from the

mistakes of their past peers.

Many Presidents and national leaders and for that matter, mostly African leaders

and politicians in the present political era are still not learning from the

demise and disasterious ends of their colleagues in

the past and present.

The sad and disasterious ends of leaders like Mobutu of Zaire, Abacha of

Nigeria, Idi Amin of Uganda, Eyadema of Togo, Mugabe of Zimbabwe,Bokasa of CAR,

Marcos of Philipines, Pinochet of Chile etc are a few examples of the seed of

unrighteousness they sowed.

For it is written; 'Do not be deceived, God is not mocked, for whatsoever a Man

soweth, that shall he also reap.' Galatians6:7

And therefore, the economic crisis, social crisis, civil strife, under

developments and backwardness that many African countries are experiencing today

are all the seeds of unrighteousness , negativities and bad governance past and

present leaders have sown.

Samuel Donkor Mob: 0242 809352

Columnist: Donkor, Samuel