
Arrest Minister of Roads Hon Fuseini Inusah

Alhaji Inusah Fuseini New Hon Inusah Fuseini

Fri, 28 Oct 2016 Source: Agbenu, Charles

Ghana Contractors, Ghana Engineers and Ghana politicians are not real. The Minister of Roads, Hon Fuseini Inusah is not real. I think these people are dissipating the scarce resources of our dear nation.

I came to this conclusion because of the shock which engulfed me about the nature of the road to Bohye, a community hear Haatso in the Dome/ Kwabenya constituency Accra last Monday. My friend has lived in Adenta Estates for the last 12 years. And anytime I visit him, I branch off at Haatso through Bohye to dodge the Dome traffic. I am therefore very familiar with the Bohye road.

The road was tarred early this year and the sort of damage or deterioration on the road presently is unimaginable. I ask, has the contractor has been paid for this shoddy work, Hon Fuseini? Already that particular road has been tarred and later scraped off by bulldozers for retarring more than 4 times in the last 10 years.

So the indication is that 4 contractors have been paid 4 times for the same work in 10 years?

In the same way, I wonder all the deteriorated tarred roads in Ashalley Botwe, Westlands including the Ayariga Road, Achimota, Adenta, Adjiriganor, La and throughout the country etc have been paid for? People in ECOMOG road must marvel about the frequency whereby contractors scrape off the tarred road, retar, rescrape and retar almost yearly under the Minister of Roads. Surely Mahama and his crookish gang cannot be said to be superintending over cost effective utilization of public funds with this.

Poor Ghana has to find monies to reconstruct or retar these damaged roads and no one does 'nothing' to the greedy bastards -- the contractors, engineers, surveyors, monitors, politicians, the President? I think these people are insulting the intelligence of Ghanaians.

First of all, the Minister of Roads Fuseini Inusah must be sacked and arrested for corruption, negligence and willfully causing financial loss to the state. He is greedy eating, eating and eating and so his body is even puffed up in stinking corruption. His officers involved must also be charged.

How come that this evil happening is all over Ghana and the taxpayer is unprotected and helpless, so it is all wanton sikadie, sikadie, sikadie.

I am fully convinced that Ghana certainly needs a new direction in our governance and management. Who will offer this new direction? John 'me as a human being' Mahama is just too soft. He is already neck deep in Woyome, AMERI, EMBRAER and other gargantuan deals. Mahama has no moral right to lead us though anti-corruption Ghana. Let's vote him out and into deep sunset.

Charles Agbenu

Columnist: Agbenu, Charles