
As Long As Ghanaians Continue to Have a Short Memory….

Sat, 21 Nov 2015 Source: Adofo, Rockson

They will be ruled by a brain-dead "dead goat". A few days ago this week, His Excellency President John Dramani Mahama insulted the intelligence of the entire Ghanaian population. However, his clueless NDC supporters were seen applaud him and have since been vociferously defending him, exonerating him from any consequential blame.

The President declared in public that he will not take any advice from anyone who has never been the President of Ghana or any other country before. What do such persons know about governance to advise him, he queried? He used that opportunity to chide Dr Bawumia for chastising him for being such an incompetent President who refuses to listen to sound economic advice offered to him.

As we speak, he is again saying that Dr Bawumia and Ghanaians should rather praise him for both the foreign and internal loans he raises instead of condemning him.

A President who prides himself in unceasingly taking foreign loans to execute developmental projects, if at all he uses the loans for that very purpose, constantly accruing and accumulating debts to his nation into billions of US$ is indeed brain-dead. Unfortunately, most of the money ends up in his pocket and the pockets of his fraudulent party members, cronies and Government Ministers and appointees through all dodgy means.

As many sensible Presidents and prudent governments are perpetually seeking ways and means to reduce their budget deficit and national debts, President Mahama on the other hand is pursuing unrestrained acquisition of more loans to increase our national debt. In so doing, he requires Ghanaians, including Rockson Adofo, that no-nonsense wise man from Kumawu/Asiampa, to give him a pat on the shoulder/back for a job well accomplished. No, he won't have that but instead a cogent advice.

Ghanaians, especially the discerning ones, but not those supportive of the "create, loot and share" brigade presided over by the NDC President should join me in condemning President Mahama for his short-sighted approach a to issues and often absurd and highly infuriating public pronouncements clearly unworthy of a President of Ghana.

By his pronouncements, he has made himself a misfit to be at the presidency. How can a President of a nation expected to be a unifier come out so divisive saying he is only the President of Ghana for the NDC but not all since without their vote he could not have become the President of Ghana.

I find his reasoning very childish and unbefitting of a President.

Until Ghanaians he so much disrespects for allegedly having a short memory regain their normal long memory to boot him out of office, he will continue to sink Ghana while he, his cronies and NDC party gurus, agents and assigns live fat, stealing Ghana's monies and stashing them away in their foreign bank accounts.

Shame on Ghanaians for accepting to have a short memory that allows "Mr Incompetent" to rule them. It hurts to tell the truth but in the end it brings comfort.

Look what President Mugabe of Zimbabwe has said about him – from the web link below.

Rockson Adofo

Columnist: Adofo, Rockson