
Asumah Banda – Cover Your Nakedness (Part III)

Thu, 24 Dec 2015 Source: Dabbousi, Fabi

A Christmas Special

By Fadi dabbousi

“Mr Banda, how intelligent could you be, trusting a foreigner than a Ghanaian professional to run your business, especially that you doled large sums of money to him in the form of a very fat salary, bonuses and fringe benefits. Don’t you suppose that such a move pronounced your downfall?”

Titbits of information gathered indicated that this man, Asumah Banda, had begun singing the discorded songs of the NDC in order to win the favour of John Mahama. He wanted, by that favour, to raise his business once again. His attempt to vilify the incorruptible Nana Akufo-Addo and pontificate the non-achievements of the incompetent President is bringing him nothing but pain and shame. This is a clear indication that his business has sunk, and is in need of a lifeline from the Presidency.

It would seem as if Kwesi Pratt was paid to set Asumah Banda up, as the latter exhibited his ignorance and unintelligence by openly declaring that the revered leader in Africa, and on a global scale, Nana Akufo-Addo, is unintelligent. He run his mouth like a desperate “doko doko”.

Members of the NDC, really, lack substance and a healthy faculty. They see nothing wrong in the surly attacks on the incorruptible persons of Nana Akufo-Addo and Dr Bawumia, but they find the whole world wrong with a simple criticism in the way of their cohorts and unfashionable leaders. So now, those of us who found his attack on the person of Akufo-Addo offending have decided to rebuttal; and disproportionately, too.

Lo and behold, NDC freaks faked their support for NPP and chastised us for speaking a word of truth. Let it be said that Asumah Banda lacks the very essentials to garner support for his unruly old age. Like I have always posited, when elders begin to peddle stupidity, they must be checked so as to save the nation the shame of utterances attributed to Alzheimer’s.

When one reads comments like calling reputable people “son of a dog” or “your mother would have been better of aborting you”, and the ludicrous rubbish that is characteristic of the foul thieves of the NDC, it really makes the case for mother Ghana quite desperate for change. Change that will see the booting out of John Mahama and his incompetent government; change that will usher hope with the presidency of Nana Akufo-Addo; change that will return the economy to the tangent of success; change that will bring respect to the Ghanaian, who will toil in fruitfulness rather than futility; change that will once again make Ghana the beacon of success and proper democracy; Ghana where there will be no Ruby Ametepe, or NDC gangsters; Ghana where the narcotics board will not be fingered in narcotics trade; Ghana that will be at the forefront of education instead of at the bottom as it is under John Mahama; Ghana that will be amongst the cleanest places instead of being the seventh filthiest in the world.

Mr Asumah Banda, we are asking you to peacefully apologise to Hon Nana Akufo-Addo for the untoward statements you made against him. It is only then that our pen shall retire. Sir, for as long as you remain recalcitrant, we shall begin our mission of exposing your shady dealings, especially since the hard evidence to support our claims are available. You surely do not want that evidence adduced in the court of the people for the nation to probe you. The takeover of your business by Bollore, the amount that was declared to the nation and the other chunk that was buried overseas; all that information is available Sir, so hold your guns! To ameliorate your situation, note that it is not only your business that we have information on. The scandals that your lot have under your sleeves are petrifying, and clearly treacherous

Let down and be sensible. All we ask for is you to retract your statement so that peace can prevail once again. We are out to instil decorum in the way your unruly kind handle the business of government. We know that you are involved in many issues that will create uproar and mass indignation. Your trip to Paris in the last quarter of 2014 saw quite a significant deterioration in your French connection. You know what that means and we will expose you big time.

This is a chance for us to smoke the peace pipe by apologising to Nana Akufo-Addo, and redeem your image. Oh by the way, we are still waiting for the maintenance records of the two Antrak aircrafts that caught fire on take-off in Kumasi and Tamale; or do you want someone else to release them? A word to the wise is enough.

Columnist: Dabbousi, Fabi