
Atta Mills And The NDC: Damaged Commodities?

Mon, 4 Jun 2007 Source: Nuviadenu, Kobla

The NDC is a party whose originators forced themselves violently on Ghanaians through two bloody revolutions, ostensibly to bridge the gap between the rich and the poor. On the contrary however, they ended up more estranged than ever from the very people they claimed they came to redeem. The proponents of the “one man, one toilet” philosophy and the like got booted out of office after draining the entire coffers of the country, such that their successors had no other option but to resort to HIPC.

It is on the back of a party with such a stinking track record, which witnessed the slapping of Vice-Presidents and Ministers, handing down of identification hair cuts, shit bombing of press houses, wanton harassment and imprisonment of journalists (whose friendship they are now trying to court), etc that the self acclaimed “Asomdwoehene” Prof. Mills hopes to ride to victory in the 2008 elections. Good luck.

In a desperate attempt to get hold of power once again because “opposition is hell”, the slowly dying NDC have revised their campaign notes. In a very commendable fashion, they have embarked on a one-on-one interactive campaign strategy. According to them, it will give them an opportunity to know the real conditions of the people so that they can tailor their programmes to meet the expectations of the “common man”. What a smart move! My only worry is ‘when did the NDC realise that the “common man” also has needs and expectations-after twenty (20) good years? It is also historically significant to point out that however noble the idea is, it is not a novelty. Back in the run-up to the 2000 elections, then candidate Kufuor of the NPP embarked on similar missions, which saw him attending almost noticeable funeral, festival, church or mosque service, etc. And it worked!

Those who originally could not afford a single decent meal a day or even a place to lay their head such that they had to steal ‘kose’, ‘yoko gari’, etc and to use the seats of air force planes as their dwelling places, ended up with Jacuzzis, bullet proof cars, the opulence of educating their children overseas, etc. They even got the luxury of a one-family Presidential Jet.

One thing that must be made clear to these NDC folks is that unlike the 2000 elections when Ghanaians did not have the benefit of adequate comparative analysis of the two parties, the dynamics are different now. No matter the strategies adopted by the two parties, the Ghanaian voter is now more democratically enlightened. Come 20008, it is the track records of the two dominant parties, their concrete and measurable achievements, and not mere empty rhetorics and cheap propaganda that will feature prominently.

For the 2008 elections, it will be the energy crisis of 1983, 84, 85, 98, and99 as against that of the current and on-going one; the giving of identification hair cuts, shit bombing of press houses, wanton harassment and imprisonment of perceived opposition journalists, etc, as against the repeal of the criminal libel law, such that the anti press NDC now accuses the press of being in bed with government that will matter.

What will form the basis of who is who in 2008 will be the purchase of a one family adventurist Presidential Jet in apposition to the putting up of a Presidential Palace; a President’s son, in partnership with others forming a consortium to get a loan to put up a hotel facility compared with an administration that would order the razing to the ground of peoples hotels; the extent to which non-politically motivated road networks were expanded by both regimes and the number of years it took them to do so; the springing up of fully furnished classroom blocks, as opposed to when pupils had to sit under trees to study.

Moreover, judgment of discerning voters will be based on the provision of meals to pilot schools in comparison to years when pupils had sullen looks on their faces; the provision of free bus ride to school children in contrast to those who hitherto had to trek several miles; the introduction of the much touted free school fees at the basic educational levels (capitation grant) which has greatly improved basic school enrollment; the introduction of the NHIS to replace the obnoxious and killer cash and carry system.
The National Youth Employment Programme which is ameliorating youth unemployment with its attendant vices will also come up for mention (you can choose not to partake in it on the frivolous grounds that it will give political edge to the NPP. Who loses?). The programme alone has employed over 92,000 youths as at now. Inflation and interest rates have reduced drastically; and there has been a marked improvement in transparent and accountable governance. With the introduction of the Peoples Assembly concept, unlike some who will yield to investigations and testimonies only with the invocations of deities like “Antoa Nyama” and the provision of chemical lie detectors, President Kufuor subjects himself and his government to be screened by “every citizen”.
The free consultancy I will offer to the staggering NDC and its ailing flagbearer is for them to open their damaged briefcase and see if they can find anything worthy of note to match the impeccable records mentioned above. This is what will help them and not their flagbearer’s petty dabbling in student politics, something which in so doing, ends in disrupting classes, and attempts to incense students to riot. After all, what did he do for the same people during his tenure as Vice President? Did he build hostels? They should also watch out for Rawlings who has more or less become a liability and gives the NPP a bonus anytime he “booms”.
Although it doesn’t hurt to start early, especially when he has nothing worthy doing now, with the Prof.’s questionable health status, can he go the full horse? Or is it just a face-saving endeavour to tell the world that he is strong and that the water he drinks is working to perfection? Well, time will tell because however hard the leopard tries to conceal its identity, its spots will ultimately give it up. The modern Ghanaian voter is wide awake, especially after four elections since 1992. Whatever the NDC is doing is like flogging a dead horse. The NDC is a damaged commodity and no matter how hard they package it for marketing, a decorated monkey will still be a monkey. The value is the same!!!

Views expressed by the author(s) do not necessarily reflect those of GhanaHomePage.

The NDC is a party whose originators forced themselves violently on Ghanaians through two bloody revolutions, ostensibly to bridge the gap between the rich and the poor. On the contrary however, they ended up more estranged than ever from the very people they claimed they came to redeem. The proponents of the “one man, one toilet” philosophy and the like got booted out of office after draining the entire coffers of the country, such that their successors had no other option but to resort to HIPC.

It is on the back of a party with such a stinking track record, which witnessed the slapping of Vice-Presidents and Ministers, handing down of identification hair cuts, shit bombing of press houses, wanton harassment and imprisonment of journalists (whose friendship they are now trying to court), etc that the self acclaimed “Asomdwoehene” Prof. Mills hopes to ride to victory in the 2008 elections. Good luck.

In a desperate attempt to get hold of power once again because “opposition is hell”, the slowly dying NDC have revised their campaign notes. In a very commendable fashion, they have embarked on a one-on-one interactive campaign strategy. According to them, it will give them an opportunity to know the real conditions of the people so that they can tailor their programmes to meet the expectations of the “common man”. What a smart move! My only worry is ‘when did the NDC realise that the “common man” also has needs and expectations-after twenty (20) good years? It is also historically significant to point out that however noble the idea is, it is not a novelty. Back in the run-up to the 2000 elections, then candidate Kufuor of the NPP embarked on similar missions, which saw him attending almost noticeable funeral, festival, church or mosque service, etc. And it worked!

Those who originally could not afford a single decent meal a day or even a place to lay their head such that they had to steal ‘kose’, ‘yoko gari’, etc and to use the seats of air force planes as their dwelling places, ended up with Jacuzzis, bullet proof cars, the opulence of educating their children overseas, etc. They even got the luxury of a one-family Presidential Jet.

One thing that must be made clear to these NDC folks is that unlike the 2000 elections when Ghanaians did not have the benefit of adequate comparative analysis of the two parties, the dynamics are different now. No matter the strategies adopted by the two parties, the Ghanaian voter is now more democratically enlightened. Come 20008, it is the track records of the two dominant parties, their concrete and measurable achievements, and not mere empty rhetorics and cheap propaganda that will feature prominently.

For the 2008 elections, it will be the energy crisis of 1983, 84, 85, 98, and99 as against that of the current and on-going one; the giving of identification hair cuts, shit bombing of press houses, wanton harassment and imprisonment of perceived opposition journalists, etc, as against the repeal of the criminal libel law, such that the anti press NDC now accuses the press of being in bed with government that will matter.

What will form the basis of who is who in 2008 will be the purchase of a one family adventurist Presidential Jet in apposition to the putting up of a Presidential Palace; a President’s son, in partnership with others forming a consortium to get a loan to put up a hotel facility compared with an administration that would order the razing to the ground of peoples hotels; the extent to which non-politically motivated road networks were expanded by both regimes and the number of years it took them to do so; the springing up of fully furnished classroom blocks, as opposed to when pupils had to sit under trees to study.

Moreover, judgment of discerning voters will be based on the provision of meals to pilot schools in comparison to years when pupils had sullen looks on their faces; the provision of free bus ride to school children in contrast to those who hitherto had to trek several miles; the introduction of the much touted free school fees at the basic educational levels (capitation grant) which has greatly improved basic school enrollment; the introduction of the NHIS to replace the obnoxious and killer cash and carry system.
The National Youth Employment Programme which is ameliorating youth unemployment with its attendant vices will also come up for mention (you can choose not to partake in it on the frivolous grounds that it will give political edge to the NPP. Who loses?). The programme alone has employed over 92,000 youths as at now. Inflation and interest rates have reduced drastically; and there has been a marked improvement in transparent and accountable governance. With the introduction of the Peoples Assembly concept, unlike some who will yield to investigations and testimonies only with the invocations of deities like “Antoa Nyama” and the provision of chemical lie detectors, President Kufuor subjects himself and his government to be screened by “every citizen”.
The free consultancy I will offer to the staggering NDC and its ailing flagbearer is for them to open their damaged briefcase and see if they can find anything worthy of note to match the impeccable records mentioned above. This is what will help them and not their flagbearer’s petty dabbling in student politics, something which in so doing, ends in disrupting classes, and attempts to incense students to riot. After all, what did he do for the same people during his tenure as Vice President? Did he build hostels? They should also watch out for Rawlings who has more or less become a liability and gives the NPP a bonus anytime he “booms”.
Although it doesn’t hurt to start early, especially when he has nothing worthy doing now, with the Prof.’s questionable health status, can he go the full horse? Or is it just a face-saving endeavour to tell the world that he is strong and that the water he drinks is working to perfection? Well, time will tell because however hard the leopard tries to conceal its identity, its spots will ultimately give it up. The modern Ghanaian voter is wide awake, especially after four elections since 1992. Whatever the NDC is doing is like flogging a dead horse. The NDC is a damaged commodity and no matter how hard they package it for marketing, a decorated monkey will still be a monkey. The value is the same!!!

Views expressed by the author(s) do not necessarily reflect those of GhanaHomePage.

Columnist: Nuviadenu, Kobla