
Atta Mills is our President

Sat, 19 Jun 2010 Source: Nfidah, Kojo

The forces of negativity are working hard to destroy the good visions of our humble President Atta Mills. Peace loving Ghanaians must not listen to Rawlings.Ghanaians patiently gave Rawlings 19 years to rule Ghana despite atrocities He committed.

Fellow Ghanaians,Atta Mills needs our moral and spiritual support. The forces of negativity that worked hard against Nkrumah are still operating in Ghana.Nkrumah was blamed as "MOVING GHANA FAST" with his masses centered economic policies.Atta Mills on the other hand is called TOO SLOW". I see in Atta Mills a great victory for Ghana in all aspect of human life.

Against this background is the man Rawlings and his team looking to take Ghana as their family property."Hotel Kuffor" became a big deal for Rawlingses as political tool against Kuffour's presidency. Now Rawlings and his wife want to get the whole Ghana and not a single hotel.RAWLINGSES ABSOLUTE CRITICS' TO EVERY LEADERS IS NOT NATIONALISTIC RATHER AN EGO-CENTRIC SELFISHNESS.

Rawling somestimes arrogate himself with some developmental issues during his time,not forgetting that Col.Minyilla gave Koforidua a new image.Even Acheampong had some credit in developmental issues.Bolgatanga,Sunyani cocoa house ,even dual carriage road system became common in Kumasi during Acheampong time.In short all past leaders had their weakness and strength.


It is bad to see Okyere Darko and his Danquah institute taking advantages by going Rawlingses way to get a cheap political gain for Akuffo Addo,using the principle of my enemy's enemy is my friend.Prof.Quaye the 2nd speaker is an epitome of a good Ghanaian and presidential material to be.

Finally ,Fellow Ghanaians, Atta Mills needs Us and We need Atta Mills our PRESIDENT.

KOJO NFIDA(Nkrumah Theological Seminary)

Columnist: Nfidah, Kojo