
Attention African Leaders: Time Is Running Out

Tue, 17 Jul 2012 Source: Saka, Dr.

By Honourable Saka

The Chairperson

African Union Commission

Addis Ababa

17 July, 2012

Madam Chairperson,

A Pan-African Appeal

“African leaders must first and foremost recognize that unity in Africa is in our

best interest and the only option we have if we want to attain peace, stability and

economic development. We all must recognize that we can only make progress if North,

South, East, Central and West Africa come together as one, act together as one and

speak with one voice”. Lord Aikins Adusei

Madam Chairperson, before I proceed, let me first take this opportunity to

congratulate you on your election into the office of the African Union Commission,

the highest political office on the continent. The African people especially the

women and children are proud of your determination to lead us to the promise land: a

land of unity and prosperity where Africa’s vast resources will ultimately benefit

the African people. The African people wish you all the best in your new job.


African leaders, time is running out. The talk must be over. It is time to take real

action. The business of the AU should NOT be about fighting malaria, tuberculosis

and promoting sanitation. These should be the task for the World Vision, WHO and the

USAID. The business of the AU should only focus on working towards the total

liberation of Africa, promoting unity among Africans especially unity among our

governments as well as fighting for Africa's economic independence. We must focus on

removing the borders, ensure free trade among ourselves and promote the free

movement of Africans on the continent. These should be our major focus. The talks

and the distractions have been too much. It is time for real action. Some of these

steps that require immediate action are as follows:

1. Industrialization and Economic Integration

“So long as Africa remains divided, it will therefore be the wealthy consumer

countries who will dictate the price of its resources”. -Kwame Nkrumah

(Neo-Colonialism, page11)

As a matter of fact, the whole of Africa’s economy is geared to the interests of the

foreign capital that dominates it. Currently, processing plants for Africa’s

resources are still held in Europe and Asia but not in Africa. This arrangement

ensures that, Africans cannot at any time disrupt operations while they (the

producers) continue to hold monopoly over the price for the finished products. This

must change if we as a people are determined to exert some control over the price of

our resources. It is very humiliating that, Africans continue to import a lot of

soap, steel, iron rods, plastic, rice, sugar, chicken. But as you know, we have all

the raw materials right here and a very fertile soil.

The 21st century has no place for the African people if we continue to serve as the

“producers of raw materials” for Western and Asian industries and the “dumping

ground” of European, American and Asian commodities which often come at cut-throat

prices. African countries must focus on industrialization. We must make all effort

to produce what we use and use what we produce.

We must focus on building more industries, and expanding the power grid to sustain

these industries. It is completely imprudent for Nigeria, Zimbabwe, Niger, Guinea,

Mali among others to continue exporting ‘raw’ uranium and other strategic resources

to power the nuclear reactors of Europe and Asia at a time when many African

countries do not have reliable electricity. If nuclear and solar energy are good for

Europe and Asia, then they must certainly be good for Africa. The African countries

with these resources must also consider producing nuclear energy and exporting it

overseas. We must not allow the future of our economy to be determined by decisions

in Europe, America nor Asia. We must strategize so that we can determine the future

of our own economy.

We must first pursue the technology by sending our youth overseas for training and

also creating the platform for them to return and lead the charge. African leaders

must unite and focus on shifting the industries from overseas back to Africa and get

the African youth to work. We have all the resources. What is needed is for us to

focus on putting the industries in place so that we can make the products right here

and sell it to the outside world. The time when Africa was seen as the supplier of

raw materials must end.

Today, Asia and Latin America are rising. Europe and North-America are in deep

financial crises. Yet, Africa still remains a sleeping giant: very confused and

doesn’t to seem to know the way forward. It is time for economic integration among

African countries. Africans must begin to focus on trading among themselves. For

instance, Ghana has a huge stockpile of salt which goes wasted every year. Yet, it

is very sad that every year, Nigeria and many African countries, import salt from

Brazil for their textile industries (which are gradually collapsing because African

leaders themselves have abandoned African fashion for suits and tie all the time).

Oil producing countries in Africa are shipping their oil to Europe, America and

Asia at cheaper prices, while many other African countries turn to the Middle East

for oil and gas! West Africa has wide savannahs, ideal for the growing of cotton,

with the right irrigation. Yet for many years we spent millions of pounds importing

richly-patterned cloths from abroad. The whole situation in Africa is like waging

trade and economic war among ourselves. Africans, please come together and protect

your collective interest!

2. Movement of People, Goods and Services Across borders

Artificial borders were meant to divide Africans, making them weak and easy to conquer

Perhaps, the major challenge we have in Africa which affects our ability to trade

freely among ourselves is directly as a result of the lack of trade agreements and

also the current restrictions we have imposed upon our people. African citizens have

been limited from travelling to Europe and America with tough visa restrictions.

Unfortunately, travelling within our own continent too has become another burden. On

the average, a Ghanaian visitor has to go through a period of 2 to 3 months visa

routines, before he can travel to Zimbabwe or Uganda! Meanwhile, as a matter of

fact, the Ghanaian can travel to Nigeria, Mali or even Kenya without needing a visa.

Now the question we must ask the African leaders is: what are the differences

between Ghana, Nigeria, Uganda, Zambia and Zimbabwe? How can Zambians travel to

South Africa without visa but this same people have to wait for a period of 2 months

for visa before they can travel to Kenya, Togo or Ivory Coast?

Why can’t we break these chains of visa restrictions which prevent the African

citizen from feeling free on his motherland? Something seriously has to be done

about these travel restrictions to allow inter-African trade. The African must be

allowed to travel freely on the African soil so that we can experience our

diversity in order to foster unity. The current visa restrictions must be removed

and allow the African people the freedom to explore our beautiful continent.

Another challenge we face on this issue is the cost of transportation itself. It is

very difficult to travel from one African country to the other due to the fact that

Africa’s road and rail infrastructure still remains underdeveloped. Air transport

has therefore become our major option. This is however too expensive. According to

the current estimate, the cost of flying from Abuja to London is at least US$700. At

the same time, the cost of flying from Abuja to Accra is more than US$800. It is

even more expensive to fly within the ECOWAS region than to fly to Europe.

Meanwhile, the cost of a flight from London to Paris or anywhere in Europe could be

as cheap as US$100 and below. If in doubt, check and find out how

cheap it is to travel by air within Europe. All these are happening to Africans

because “our leaders” have not taken the issue of industrialization very serious.

For how long can poor Africans afford to pay ten times the

cost of the same services offered to their European counterparts?

The current exorbitant cost of air tickets in Africa is similar to what Africans had

to pay for telecommunication and internet services few years ago. It is a fact that

the charges for internet and mobile phone services in Africa were the highest on the

planet. Today, thanks to Gaddafi and a few African leaders’ initiative. The

introduction of RASCOM (Regional African Satellite Communication Organization) has

paid off. This joint African project is expected to lower the continent's dependency

on international satellite networks such as Intelsat, saving Africans a whooping

US$500 million every year.

Consequently, telecommunication services are now affordable in Africa. This is a

clear indication that if African leaders take similar bold steps and solve the

challenge posed by the huge cost of transportation in Africa we can save more

billions of dollars every year on transport. We only need the political will to do

this and our burden will reduce.

Gervais Djondo, a former industry minister of Togo has recently set himself a

mission to create a pan-African airline serving for the continent. Like other

Pan-Africanists, Djondo believes the way forward is for African carriers, instead of

trying to compete with each other and jealously guarding their national markets,

should rather combine their resources and create a consolidated service/network of a

strong African airline company owned and managed by Africans. This idea must be

welcomed and supported by the African leaders. African governments must invest in

this project to help ease the burden.

3. African Central Bank

"It must be understood that the less developed world will not become developed

through the goodwill or generosity of the developed”. –Kwame Nkrumah

(Neo-Colonialism, page xviii).

This is the reason why we must be determined to put Africa’s future into our own

hands. The West may pretend to be helping Africa. But we must be ready to map out

our own strategies to facilitate our own development. The future of Africa cannot

continue to remain in the hands of donor countries, the European Central Bank, the

World Bank and IMF.

The existing African Development Bank has finally been hijacked by the West.

African governments must come together and establish an African Central Bank or a

Bank of Africa where all African governments will deposit part of their national

reserves. I must however stress that; this bank must be under the control and

management of Africans. Instead of Francophone African countries to deposit their

foreign reserves in France to later loan this moneys to the Africans at a huge

interest rate, all such moneys can be deposited in the African Central Bank where

it can be used for our own benefits. If each African country were to deposit about

$2billion (or more) of our national reserves into this fund, we could mobilize for

ourselves more than $100billion in a matter of months.

African leaders or the millionaires could also be encouraged to save with this bank.

When this is done, the interest that will be generated on this money will belong to

the African people instead of giving this lucrative opportunity to the Western banks

year after year. At the same time, African governments and the AU itself could have

this reliable source of funds to finance their projects without the need to depend

on aid from the West all the time.

Money does not grow on trees. The West has always generated money out of thin air

and is using this system to enslave African nations into debt. African leaders

please wake up! Our destiny is not poverty. We only need to take these bold

decisions today. The EU has got its central bank. Asia and Latin America are

recently following suit. This has saved some of them from selling their sovereignty

to the World Bank and the IMF. Currently, the BRICS (Brazil, Russia, India, China

and South Africa) are also considering such an idea. Therefore what are the African

leaders waiting for? How long must we continue to wait because we believe the time

is not right? If the African leaders of today think they cannot do it, whom are they

looking up to come and do it? Is it the youth they expect to be able to solve the

challenges they themselves feel they cannot solve?

Our African politicians are piling up billions of African money in European and

American banks while poverty continues to enslave our people because our own banks

do not have the money to loan out to African business investors. Why can’t we set up

these banks and encourage our politicians to deposit part of their moneys there?

4. Africa’s Security

Nkrumah held that, no single part of Africa can be safe, or free to develop fully

and independently at a time when any other part is torn up in conflict; remains

un-liberated or under the control of puppet regimes.

As a result, Kwame Nkrumah wrote:

"Unless we meet this obvious and very powerful threat with a unified African front,

based upon a common economic and defence policy, the strategy of the imperialist

will be to pick us off and destroy us one by one", (Africa Must Unite, page xvii).

African leaders need to establish a joint security force whose major responsibility

will be to defend the African people from terrorism and foreign aggression. We must

also commit needed resources to equip this security force to be able to defend our

security and our sovereignty. We cannot continue year after year to put our security

into the hands of the UN. What happened in Libya and Ivory Coast recently, clearly

shows the urgent need for such an idea.

5. African Court of Justice

Today, the whole world bears witness to the fact that, the current International

Criminal Court is only a tool that targets African leaders. Many more serious war

crimes have been committed by leaders of Western countries. Notably among them are

George Bush and Tony Blair. Yet, for many years, the ICC has paid a blind eye to

crimes committed by the West. African leaders must therefore take immediate steps to

establish for ourselves a court of justice which will deal with crimes committed by

our people. The current form of imported justice must end. We must boycott the ICC

and set up our own courts. Time is running out because sooner or later, any of you

African leaders could become the next victim of this “kangaroo court” which is seen

by the African people rather as the “International Court of Criminals”.

6. The Educational Sector

According to Kwame Nkrumah: (Africa Must Unite, page 49):

“We were thought to regard our culture, our norms and values as barbarous and

primitive. Our text-books are books that tell us about English history, English

Geography, English ways of living, English customs, English ideas”.

These are past mistakes that must urgently be corrected. Instead of focusing on

English customs, and Western ideas, our educational systems must be integrated with

African culture, norms and values. We must begin to implement educational policies

that harness our cultural heritage, be determined to sell African value to the

outside world and to promote unity among Africans. We cannot lose our African

fashion and our way of life for the sake of meeting the economic interest of the

West. The current theory-based courses, with little or no practical models are not

helping. Today, many Africans have all the paper knowledge but they lack the

practical knowledge to solve real-world problems. We must create the conditions for

the youth to learn to be able to build our industries. We must henceforth focus on

technical education, science and technology and do more on practical courses.

“It is time for us to nurture our own culture and history if we are to develop that

African personality which must provide the educational and intellectual foundations

of our Pan-African future”. -Kwame Nkrumah, (Africa Must Unite page 49).

Therefore our educational system must also focus on training Africans in areas that

will enable us to directly manage our resources and be able to resist

neo-colonialism and the imperialists who often come in the form of “advisers”,

“consultants” and policy makers, working at our expense. We must device educational

systems that are aimed at fixing our political and economic challenges by ourselves

instead of always taking orders from foreign capitalists.

“To allow a foreign country, especially one which is loaded with economic interests

in our continent, to tell us what political courses to follow, is indeed for us to

hand back our independence to the oppressor on a silver platter.” (Kwame Nkrumah,

“Consciencism” pg.102).

Africa has invested so much to help develop the educational systems abroad while

ours are falling apart. For many years, Africans have been paying so much money to

European, Canadian and American educational institutions. According to a UNESCO

report, more than 200,000 tertiary students from sub-Saharan Africa studied abroad

in 2006. Currently, it is estimated that more than 500,000 Africans study abroad

every year. The average African student pays more than $15,000/yr for his/her

studies abroad. By a simple calculation, Africans spend at least $7.5billion to

study abroad each year.

“…Today, an international student who leaves [the United States] with a good feeling

is a life-long advertisement for the [U.S. business] community. For purely economic

reasons, the U.S. should protect this market share. With over 500,000 foreign

students and more than $11 billion per annum at issue, American education as export

industry has become our chasse gardée”, -Robert Scott.

Europe and America are benefiting because our educational systems are not receiving

adequate resources and infrastructure. But for how long must this cycle continue

because we do not have confidence in our educational institutions?

There is no doubt that the Western educational institutions were one of the best in

the world. However, it must be pointed out that they currently have their own issues

which to some extent affect their integrity as well. Just

visit: and find out for yourselves how thousands of students in

Europe have been buying degrees online with impunity. All they have to do is to pay

some £300 to these agencies; email them their courseworks/dissertation topics and

bingo, the work is delivered at their door steps as soon as possible.

I was very fortunate to have had my education (up to degree level) in Africa, and I

must say by my practical experience abroad, I can confidently say that the

educational institutions we have in Africa are very good. Though not perfect, they

are not as bad as we’re often made to believe. African leaders must invest enough

resources into developing our educational systems to the highest standard so that we

can attract more students to study in Africa and reap its economic and the cultural

benefits. We must encourage foreigners to study in Africa to be able to appreciate

our culture and our society.


In conclusion, we must always strive to remember the struggle of our founding

fathers and their dedication to Pan-Africanism. Pan-Africanism cannot be seen as

irrelevant in our political future. For it is this pillar which forms the basis of

our political independence, and gave us the freedom we enjoy today: freedom from

slavery, and freedom from colonial rule. It is this same idea that can provide the

key to our economic challenges in the 21st century. We must therefore work hard to

teach the African youth this concept. Copies of all books and speeches by our

founding fathers such as Kwame Nkrumah, Patrice Lumumba, Nelson Mandela, Thomas

Sankara and many other Pan-African books must be provided to the African youth to

study and be able to think and act in this direction. This will help create millions

of of their kind, to take Africa through the next stage of our economic


We at Project Pan-Africa (PPA) are willing to cooperate with the AU in this regard.

To succeed, we must seek first the “political kingdom” (African Unity) and all the

freedom and the economic emancipation shall follow. We need political unity to be

able to fulfill the dreams of our founding fathers and meet the aspirations of our

people. Time is running out. Every single day counts. We must act now.

I am therefore appealing to the African leaders to take immediate decisive steps to

alleviate our people from poverty in order to avert any imminent revolution from the

youth, which may ultimately target the AU itself.

“The great millions of Africans are growing impatient of being the hewers of wood,

the providers of unskilled labour, the drawers of water, and being the dishwashers

and the cleaners of Europe and America”. Kwame Nkrumah, (Africa Must Unite page


Long live Africa!

Long live the African Union that must be!!


All African Leaders

The President, Pan-African Parliament

Executive Secretariat, Africa Forum

The President, African Youth Union


* Kwame Nkrumah (1964) “Consciencism”. Panaf Books: London

* Kwame Nkrumah (1963) “Africa Must Unite”, Pana Books: London

* Kwame Nkrumah (1965) “Neo-Colonialism: The Last Stage of Imperialism”. Panaf

Books: London

Yours faithfully,

Honourable Saka

(Coordinator, Project Pan-Africa)

Honourable Saka

The author is a regular writer and a political analyst on African affairs, and a

well-known social commentator in Africa. Hes is currently seeking the establishment

of the "Project Pan-Africa" to create a mental revolution across Africa. He is the

editor of “The Doctor’s Report”, your most reliable source of critical analysis on

African affairs. He is a strong Pan-Africanist, and the founder of the “Leaders of

Tomorrow”, a transformational and inspirational group of possible future

leaders. Please visit his blog at: and Email him


Columnist: Saka, Dr.