
Awakening times! (Fix The Country)

FixTheCountry Over 500,000 Twitter users on Monday joined de hashtag #FixTheCountry

Sun, 9 May 2021 Source: Eric Amoah-Dodd

According to Cal Thomas in a free society, government reflects the soul of its people. If people want change at the top, they will have to live in different ways. Our major social problems are not the cause of our decadence.

They are a reflection of it. This explains why many Ghanaians in 2016 voted massively for the current NANA’s government. The outcry of Ghanaians were so loud; yet the MAHAMA led government was using the dead goat syndrome and the popular song of DADDY LUMBA entitled ‘Yentie Obiaa’ as its mantra and the NDC government lost badly.

The NDC government was not listening to the outcries of the many youth in Ghana at the time (2014/215) and maybe if they listened at all; it was very late and too late for Mahama’s government to do anything.

Realizing the mistake of the NDC Mahama led government if given the mandate to govern again will do so well not to repeat the mistakes that caused him 2016 election.

Seeing what caused the Mahama led government in 2016, I think Nana has got the best times to fix the country as per the public outcry. The time is very good and if the current government will listen and pay heed, will be beneficial for the NPP led government to get things right and win again the 2024 elections in Ghana and be the first to break the eight (8).

Nana’s government must be grateful and appreciative of what is happening now as per these outcries of the youth. We are only in the second quarter of 2021, just few months after an election which the current government won. I personally think it is the right time to fix whatever problem that exist within the Ghana’s economy.

All sector ministers and government appointees need to awake from slumber and help Nana’s government and Ghana as a whole; we have no other country than Ghana.

The NPP led government under NANA need not to be dismissive about the anger, bitterness, concerns and the perception out there. It is about time the government of the day fix the country, respond to these and at least do what it can to resolve some of these issues if not all.

This is what a listening and discerning government does. We know times are hard and things are very difficult in this COVID-19 era but at least something need to be done for us all to come out of this mess the pandemic has caused.

At least we know for sure that NANA’s government would have done a lot if the current COVID-19 was not in place; but let us not forget that it is within the wisdom of GOD ALMIGHTY for you (NANA) to be in power at this PRESENT TIME.

This explains why you lost several elections before this day. Everything in this life happens for a reason, even if we are not wise enough to see it.

A leader’s response to criticism depicts the kind of a leader he is. The time is right for the NANA’s government to do the very best it can to fix the country.

There are a lot of time at hand before the 2024 election so why not fix the concerns and perception out there. If the government is able, I think the youth will massively support the government and pay any tax increment because any government big enough to give you everything you want is a government big enough to take from you everything you have according to Gerald R Ford.

Columnist: Eric Amoah-Dodd
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