
Ban Counselor Lutterodt from the media

Mon, 25 Apr 2016 Source: PasinoMan

You may have come across a particularly young, often well-dressed and charismatic gentleman on one media platform or the other, ostensibly professing all solutions to salvage or ensure a successful marriage.

Initially, he started off as an unknown resource person, called into shows to share his perspectives for a few minutes. Even back then, he still had interesting views on various subjects but he was quite a delight to listen to. From making few remarks on a subject, he has upgraded and gained a permanent seat on several radio and television shows. In fact, there are shows on which he has a dedicated segment for interaction.

Rev Counsellor Cyril George Carstensen Lutterodt looks like the maverick relationship and marriage counsellor of our time. But have you really paid attention to the things he says aside his fine dressing, name and way of talking?

For a long time, I was convinced that a major reason why pleasing a lot of young women in this country has increasingly become difficult was because of their over-exposure to foreign telenovelas. ‘

These soaps are fake and unreal.

Their plots are set in fantasy, giving many of their addicts a belief that there is a perfect world out there. To them, hiding somewhere is this world is a Prince charming. Yes, that Prince who will go down on a knee to propose, serve you breakfast in bed, cry and forgive you when he realizes you are cheating on him and carry out all of the woman’s wishes as though they were commands.

I really blamed the telenovelas until I started paying attention to Counsellor Luterrodt.

Counsellor Luterrodt usually makes his craziest assertions in a very charismatic way that though you may be fuming, you cannot tune off. Some of his bogus advice have been on very sensitive social issues that ordinarily require some tact and empathy in addressing. The issues he sometimes callously attempts to address are often very critical to making life-long or life changing decisions.

Did you hear Counsellor Lutterodt advice women not to allow any ‘poor man’ to marry them?

How about the advice that any man who cannot feed himself should also not attempt to marry?

Forget about trying to rationalize these or any of the other controversial statements but I can assure you; blindly follow his advice and you will have to beg people in worse situations to marry you later.

Read about the (auto) biographies of some of the most accomplished business people in the world. Many started from humble beginnings but with the support of their partners and family, they have built continental and global empires over years. Had the women in the lives of some of these accomplished men been exposed to the vile messages of Counselor Lutterodt, I bet they would still be waiting for ‘Mr. Right’ till today, while their once poor ‘boyfriends’ bask in success.

I have managed to avoid paying any attention to the counsellor and his shenanigans over the past few years, but looks like I have had enough. I recently invited a pretty young lady I had just met for a night out but her response was ‘please it’s too early. Counsellor Lutterodt said a lady should not go on dates outside, the guy should rather come to her home’. Can you imagine?

Counsellor Lutterodt must just be banned from the media.

Columnist: PasinoMan