
Bawumia has solutions to Ghana's economic woes

Sun, 17 Nov 2013 Source: Kusi, Duncan

Some times I find it difficult to sit aloof without writing up when things are getting out of control. It is so sad that P/NDC men have not understood that the man Dr Bawumia is very useful tool for Ghana because he has solutions to the current economic problems President Mahama's government is facing. As the say goes, "if you cannot beat him join him.

If I use P/NDC to mean NDC, members of the party should not be annoyed because NDC is an off spring of PNDC.

Former President Rawlings and his men ruled Ghana for almost two decades and the economy was totally collapsed within that period but when the power slipped from P/NDC and Dr Bawumia joined the economic team of NPP, we saw and witnessed what happened in the country.

Although there are corruptions everywhere within the present government and the country at large, with effective strategic policies, people would not be enticed to be corrupted.

Dr Bawumia knows the kind of strategy he could adapt to counter attack corruptions in order to give way for economic improvement. We all believe that when life is so easy we do not need to enter into any shoddy business and eventually land us some where we may not like.

All those who are raining insults or attacking Dr Bawumia verbally should bow down their heads in shame. If you are holding a Doctorate degree or what ever like him, use your degree to transform Ghana but not for propaganda because Ghana economy is falling apart.

None of those people can compare their academics to Dr Bawumia. I am also an educated elite and I respect the man very much because I saw a tremendous change in our economy when Dr Bawumia was working for the country.

According to his profile, Dr Bawumia is Banker and Economists. Initially, he obtained his Diploma in Banking from Chartered Institute of Bankers in United Kingdom and proceeded to obtain his first class degree in Economics from Buckingham University UK.

He got his Masters degree in Economics from Oxford University in 1988 and PhD in Economics from Fraser University in Canada in 1995.

Dr Bawumia proved to all Ghanaians that although he had acquired theoritical knowledge as we normally say, at the same time he converted the theory into practicals to improve the economy.

Except those who are less academically sound would say Dr Bawumia does not know anything, he knows a lot and we should be proud of him because he is a Ghanaian.

It is very clear to every educated Ghanaian that the present government has mismanaged our scanty resources that is why the economy is getting out of hand. It will continue until P/NDC government get out of the power because they do not have the men with expertise to improve the economy but they have the men with lies.

P/NDC men used propaganda to win election but the same sugar mouth can not be used to bring fortunes to the people.

What we are experiencing today, tells us that even hundred years would be too short for President Mahama to fix the economy because his men and women are school boys and girls who need to be taught and not to govern.

God bless Ghana

Columnist: Kusi, Duncan