
Beware, watch night services dishonour our heavenly father!

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Sun, 31 Dec 2023 Source: Victor Adjei

Today, ‘men of God’ will gather their flock to celebrate every kind of ~Over (be it Crossover, Walkover, Rollover, etc.), Exodus, Night of Prophecy & Power, Night of Miracles & Wonders, and such like.

This may come as a shock to you, but all of this is a BIG, FAT lie that you can prove from your own Bible! Or is it another kind of “Yea we know it is not in the Bible, but we have decided to do it to honour the Almighty?

Frail and deceived man, where in the Bible has the Almighty given man the liberty to determine what to do to honour Him or His Son? Nowhere! He reserves the ABSOLUTE right as Creator to state how His creation relates to Him and to one another. Ours is to choose to OBEY or DISOBEY and reap the consequences of our choice now or at some point in the future. Eccl. 12:13,14.

First of all, we must all accept the Bible's statement that the whole world has been led astray by the devil. Rev 12:9. Kindly read it in your own Bible. For this reason, unbeknownst to us, virtually everything we believe and follow is a lie. It must be for this reason the Saviour said: “And thou shalt know the truth, and the truth shalt make you free.” Yahuhanan (changed to John for reasons best known to the perpetrators) 8:32.

I urge the reader to read verses 12 to 45 of the chapter carefully, paying particular attention to the Saviour's attempt to show the Jews their misconceptions, but they wouldn't budge.

The question we need to ponder is: Why did the Jews, descendants of the chosen nation who were not that far removed from the days of their fathers get it wrong, and we today think we have it all wrapped up after centuries of deliberate and unintentional distortions of the Scriptures?

Back to watch night services.

The Creator of everything, including Time taught man how to reckon Time, starting from a day as found in Gen 1:5: “And God called the light Day, and the darkness he called Night. And the evening and the morning were the first day.”

The second to sixth days are covered in verses 8, 13, 19, 23, and 31. The seventh day, the Sabbath (rest day) is covered in Chapters 2:2,3 and rounds up the week.

Notice in Chapter 1:14 the role the sun and moon are to play: to divide the day from the night, and be for signs, and for seasons, and for days and years. So, in Exodus 12:1,2, the Almighty reminded Israel: “This month shall be unto you the beginning of months: it shall be the first month of the year to you,” most probably because they had lost (or forgotten) this during their years of slavery in Egypt. In that calendar, the day does not end at midnight, so the year cannot end at midnight on December 31!

Read it in your own Bible!

It is important to bear in mind that a primary role for Israel was to be the light of the world, showing other nations how to live for maximum satisfaction. Deut. 4:1-8. This is alluded to in Rom 3: 1: What advantage then hath the Jew? or…? 2: Much every way: chiefly, because that unto them were committed the oracles of the Eternal.

However, deceivers (Rev 12:9, II Cor 4:4, Eph 2:2, I John 5:19) have come and given a deceived world a calendar that sought to and has succeeded in doing away with what the Creator decreed. In fact, what is more intriguing is that the Eternal warned through Daniel that this would happen. Dan 7:19-25, but men who claim to represent the Most High, men at whose mouth people should seek His Way (Mal 2:7,8), have embraced the lie of watch night on December 31 and turned it into a day of self-aggrandizement and filthy lucre?

For this night, they dream up lying prophecies that they proclaim to their followers as the Word of the Eternal. (Jer 5:31, 6:13, 14:14, 23:32, 29:9, Isaiah 59:13) What blasphemy!

Can we not see, on the authority of the Bible, that the Father of TRUTH, in whom there is no lie, cannot give His Word to anybody for that day? He would be denying Who He is if He did! We ought to know the source of these lies because the Saviour made it plain! John 8:44.

Let the ‘men of God’ continue to portray themselves to be great today, and heap all the money they can. However, they must do well to keep in mind that they will one day have an accounting with the Creator of the ends of the heavens and the earth for dishonouring Him and misleading multitudes to do the same. II Cor 11:14. In that day, wealth will not save anybody who has taught and or practiced falsehood.

For this reason, borrowing the Apostle’s words in Romans 12, I beseech you, dear reader, therefore, by the mercies of the Most High, that you do not conform to the pattern of this world (its beliefs and practices that dishonour the Creator): but be ye transformed by the renewing of your mind, (through the Word, which alone is Truth, John 17:17) that ye may prove what is that good, and acceptable, and perfect, will of the Almighty. I am pleading with you: desist from being part of watch night services and other such unscriptural observations! They do not honour the Creator: they dishonor Him and give His adversary the opportunity to mock Him!

The Eternal, because of the unfathomable love with which He has loved us, that compelled Him to send His only begotten Son to pay the penalty for our sins is inviting us: “Wherefore come out from among them, and be ye separate, and touch not the unclean thing (including every false celebration); and I will receive you, and will be a Father unto you, and ye shall be my sons and daughters.” II Corinthians 6:16,17.

Will we heed His call?


I posted a version of this piece on the Modernghana website seven years ago at: One Ohenenana commented as follows: Let’s concentrate on Salvation that is important.

How can we begin to talk of salvation when we do things, which based on the plain Word of Scripture, are not pleasing to the Father? In this regard, the Saviour made a profound statement in Yahuhanan 8:29: “And he that sent me is with me: the Father hath not left me alone; for I do always those things that please him.” May we also do always those things that please the Father.

To learn more about the Calendar of the Eternal, the interested reader may kindly visit:

Thank you for your time.

Columnist: Victor Adjei