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Bolgatanga - Bawku Road: The road to Ayariga’s home town

Opinions Image Opinion

Thu, 22 Oct 2015 Source: Emmanuel Bombande

Cletus Avoka – MP for Zebilla, Mahama Ayaria – MP for Bawku central, Hajia Laadi – MP for Pusiga and Mark Azumbe – MP for Garu. The above mentioned figures are prominent figures in the ruling government who hail from the KUSAUG KINGDOM.

Unfortunately, they have deliberately refused to see tattered nature of the Bolgatanga –Bawku road, – the road that leads to their “home villages”.

Members of parliament in the Northern part of our country tend to put their gastrointestinal tract (GIT) first before their needs and will of the people they represent.

Some of them have stayed in the southern sector for long; one would have therefore thought that they have learned some element of SENSE from their fellow MPs in the southern part of the country.

Prior to the 2012 general elections, with my own two eyes, I saw the kind of caterpillars and bulldozers that pretended to work on the Bolgatanga – Bawku road. Post the elections, the heavy duty vehicles and equipments have disappeared from the site with no trace of their whereabouts. The cry of the people has been spurned by the authorities and their voices buried in silence. After all, who cares when a monkey runs diarrhea?

It beats my imagination as to why a road that links Ghana to northern part of Togo and serves as a route for land locked nations such as Burkina Faso, Mali and Niger to access the port thus generating revenue for the country, is in such a tattered and neglected state.

A trip to Garu from Bolga via Zebilla and Bawku is not a pleasant experience at all, most sections of the road apart from losing its tarred coat to ageing and hence producing a lot of bumpy and uneven surfaces that has the propensity to induce labour in pregnant women. The potholes have gradually metamorphosized into MANHOLES.

One would have thought that, the rather volatile nature of Bawku would have compelled the authorities to keep the road in a good state for quick and easy deployment of security personnel and or referral of emergencies as the case may be.

I refused to believe that the government of the day is waiting for precious lives to be sacrificed on the road in exchange for a radical action. Again, I refuse to believe that the government is waiting for 2016 to score political points.

Folks, a bird whispered into my ears that, the Avokas and the Ayarigas are still vying to get on board for the next four years. My advice to them is that, they should NICHODEMOUSLY stay away from the political landscape and have their respect than to be on board and loose completely the little dignity they have.

“Mma” give me a calabash of “Pito” and two “stones” of cola nuts to quench my anger.

God bless all my readers, God bless mother Ghana.

Written by: Bombande Emmanuel

AKA Mr. Bombs


Columnist: Emmanuel Bombande