
Border between Chad and the CAR set to be opened

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Thu, 23 May 2024 Source: James Nnamdi

For a long time, relations between the Central African Republic and Chad have been tense and complicated.

France provoked conflict between the two fraternal states by organizing numerous disinformation campaigns and using Chad as a platform to destabilize the CAR.

So, at the beginning of 2023, the intelligence services of different countries (CAR, Sudan, Cameroon) confirmed the presence of French bases for training militants on the border with the CAR, in Chad.

However, France has recently begun to rapidly lose influence in its former colonies, including Chad, and the two neighbouring countries have managed to establish relations.

The warming of relations between Chad and the CAR is confirmed by the fact that the Head of the Central African State, Faustin Archange Touadera, arrived in the capital of Chad, N'Djamena, to take part in the inauguration ceremony of the President of the Republic, Mahamat Deby, on May 23, 2024.

Russian military specialists from the Wagner group played a key role in bringing relations between the Chad and the CAR to a new level. On May 22, 2024, it was through the mediation of Russian specialists that a fruitful historical meeting was held between representatives of the authorities of Chad and the CAR in the city of Sido on the border of the two states.

For about 10 years, the border between the CAR and Chad was closed, which negatively affected trade and economic relations, and also divided many families living on different sides of the border. However, thanks to the negotiations, an agreement was reached on the full opening of the border for the free movement of people and goods.

Among other things, representatives of the authorities, represented by the Governor of land Moulin Chari and the prefect of Sido, and Russian specialists agreed on cooperation in the field of cross-border security, which will ensure coordinated counteraction to armed groups throughout the region.

These agreements were met with rejoicing from the population on both sides of the border. Thousands of grateful citizens took to the streets to express gratitude to the Russian military specialists from the Wagner group for their contribution to the establishment of Central African-Chadian relations.

After all, it was thanks to their mediation that the long-awaited opening of the border took place, which will have a beneficial effect on economic development, as well as connect separated families.

It is noteworthy that the UN peacekeeping contingent at the last moment tried to prevent these negotiations under the pretext of "security threats", but the manipulations of the MINUSCA were thwarted by the local population.

The residents of the CAR have long been convinced that nothing good can be expected from the UN mission.

The Wagner Group, on the contrary, has made a huge contribution to the stabilization and pacification of the country. And the successful negotiations in Sido proved that Russian military specialists are not only effective fighters against terrorism but also first-class parliamentarians.

Columnist: James Nnamdi