
CPP -The enemy is not within our party, the enemy is out there!

Tue, 13 Dec 2011 Source: Sawyerr, Ade

*By Ade Sawyerr. London*

As an ardent supporter of the Convention Peoples Party, events over the

past few months have almost thrown me into a state of despair. But as a

firm believer in God, I am confident that these rows are not a foretaste of

worse things to come, but rather a test of how strong and resilient the

party is even when there is a slugfest in the public arena.

Mine is not to apportion blame as to who started what, or who will win this

fight about process in the party, but as a senior comrade of the party, I

think I will be failing in my duty, to the party that I so cherish, if I do

not pass public comment on the sorry mess that we find ourselves in.

We need to be honest about our fortunes before we can do anything positive

that would lead us out of the morass. Over the past few weeks, I have been

avoiding answering my telephone; I have been dodging the incessant

questions from well wishers and sympathisers, some of who I have convinced

to join the party, who are worried about what is happening and who want to

know why we cannot bottle our energies towards the growth and development

of the party.

Of course, there are several people, mainly in other parties, who because

of the recent state of affairs, are beginning to write us off, but we need

to find answers to their claim that we are not serious. Some of these

commentators do not understand why we must squander the goodwill we have

generated over the past four years with a spat that has no reason or rhyme.

Four years ago, there was a bright spark in the party as Ladi Nylander

emerged as chairman of the party. He had replaced Dr. Delle, a seasoned

politician who had tried so hard to unite the party in the midst of

discord. Dr. Delle was so much aware of why our votes had collapsed in

2004; he had commissioned research that would identify how to allocate

resources so that we would attain a respectable showing in the

parliamentary and presidential polls in 2004. He desperately wanted to

revive the fortunes of the party but had been held hostage by different

factions, the Patriots and the Movement who were fighting for control of

the party. He had to deftly negotiate between these two groups and others

who were pulling the party in different directions.

Chairman Ladi Nylander did his best under fire, from a faction of the

party, to hold the centre together when rogue elders in the party were

‘cutting their noses to spite their faces’ so to speak, because their

favoured candidates had lost the flag bearership at congress. But try as he

did, chairman Ladi Nylander failed to unite the factions in the party. Our

poor showing in the 2008 was a reflection of a party that forgot that it

was in a contest against other parties and spent most of the time and

effort in doing damage to the fortunes of our flagbearer who had won

election at congress. The internal battles were about who was more

ideologically sound and who understood Nkrumaism better. We lost and we

did so badly. We were fighting enemies within the party rather than

training what little firepower we had on our opponents; the other political

parties in Ghana.

We should have learnt the lessons of that loss and worked harder at

building the party soon after the 2008 elections, but we did not; we

launched into another fight as to why we got only 1.34% of the votes and

instead of blaming the party as a whole, some - vociferous faction -

decided that it was the fault of the flagbearer.

Though Chairman Ladi did not unite the party, he made the party more

respectable; he sustained it for four good years and soldiered on to a

successful congress. Chairman Ladi Nylander needs to be applauded for the

sterling work he did in the reconstruction of the party.

Our new Chairman and Leader, Samia Nkrumah has inherited a party that has a

history of indiscipline especially from those who do not accept election

results. Those are the people she should be railing against. Those who do

not understand that losing an election can be done gracefully; those who do

not understand that you can return stronger if you learn the lessons of

your loss; those who refuse to recognise that elections within parties are

good things and getting people to step aside in the interest of the party

are only denying the competition that creates a buzz in the party and

energises the rank and file.

The CPP is riddled with factions and Chairman Leader Samia has to deal with

these factions. The task is more difficult because these factions are

spurious and based on neither philosophy nor principles. The factions are

not even based on policies and approaches, but rather on follies of

personalities. In the CPP, anyone who has a different view of how we get

ourselves out of the parlous state of the party is accused as a mole,

high-jacker, spy, CIA agent, collaborator, traitor, ‘bought’ or whatever

unpleasant word that can be used to describe a dissenter. But the

solutions to CPP problems will not come from only one section of the party

even if they are in the majority; as a party that prides itself on being a

broad church, we should all be working together and tap into the diverse

opinions and approaches, and indeed into personalities and different

backgrounds for the social, economic and political upliftment of the people

of Ghana and Africa.

There should be ideologues as well as non-ideologues; there should be those

who support the party for a rational reason as well as those who have an

emotional attachment for the party; some born into the party, others

recently joined because they believe in the common cause of the party; or,

are impressed with one or the other personality in the party.

The CPP will not be revived by chasing enemies inside the party; the

internal disagreements will continue but we should ensure that those

disagreements lead to convergence of energies and resources to take on the

other parties and defeat them at the elections. All have a role to play in

the party and the internal disagreements should not be allowed to

overshadow our hunger to restore faith in the eyes of our sympathisers and

our well wishers who intend to join us for the battle for the soul of the

Ghanaian and African.

This is the time to be passionate ‘fishers of men and women’ for the party.

However, we can only become fishers of men, if we widen and broaden the

base of the party. A party that advocates for the mass of the poor in

Ghana cannot afford to be narrow; it must include all of the people; it

must inspire them in such a way that all will be welcome.

These internal squabbles that find themselves out in the open detract from

the powerful message that the CPP should be out there actively propagating

to encourage more persons to join and vote for us. An end to the very

public quarrels will help us focus on spreading our message of hope for

those who are fed up with the uninspiring politics of the NDC and the NPP -

two parties who are seen as the two sides of the same coin.

We should ask them to come and join our party and vote for as in both the

presidential and the parliamentary elections come next year because it is

only the CPP that is bold enough to reject the orthodoxy of the

multilateral and bilateral institutions that prevent us from development.

We should renew our efforts to let more and more people know that it is

only the CPP who will do something about the misery and poverty that the

large mass of our people live under and that will actively use the power of

the state backed by science and technology to industrialise the country and

provide, better education and skills for the mass of the people so that

they will increase the productive capacity of the country through the jobs

that will be created as a result of our industrial policies.

We must tell the people that through our process of principled approach to

community engagement and involvement, we will fashion policies that speak

to the people of Ghana and Africa about their health, their education,

their jobs, the safety and their environment. We should be energised to

take this message to all the people, to the schools and colleges, to the

markets, to the workers and farmers and fisherfolk, to all the vocational

workers and artisans, to the common man as well as the professionals. We

the members of the party should be using all the media available to us, by

word of mouth, through our benevolent and self help organisations, our

churches and mosques, on radio and in print, on television as well as on

the internet and on our mobile phones that the Great Red Cockerel is

sounding an urgent call to them at the dawn of this century that our task

of rebuilding our Ghana and Africa is as urgent now as it was at the time

of independence.

It is early days yet for our new leader however we trust that these

internal problems will be sorted out and we work on the very basis on which

we must fight the next election. We must be energised by the fact of new

leadership that will work towards the reconciliation, reconstruction and

revival of the party.

We are confident that our Chairman will lead us in this task of taking the

message to the people of Ghana and that she will be accompanied by our

parliamentary candidates and our flagbearer all singing from the same hymn

sheet as we empower the people of Ghana to vote for the only party that

will transform our society, our economy and our polities and restore the

pride of the Ghanaian and African and prove to the whole world that the

black man is capable of running their own affairs.

Our enemy is not within our party; our enemy constitutes the other parties!

We need to unite the party and that is the challenge for the leadership!

As we return to normality after this initial rush on the airwaves and the

print media, we must be reminded that for any successful endeavour we need

the efforts of all as captured in this interpretation of Sun Tzu by Tu Mu

“The skilful employer will employ the wise, the brave, the covetous and the

stupid. For the wise man delights in establishing his merit, the brave

like to show their courage in action, the covetous is quick at seizing

advantages and the stupid have no fear of death”

Forward ever

Ade Sawyerr London


Best Regards


Columnist: Sawyerr, Ade