
Can elect President Prof. John Atta -Mills forge reconciliation

Thu, 15 Jan 2009 Source: Bolus, mercy Adede

between our two former Presidents?

President Jerry John Rawlings came to power at a critical era of Ghana political history and set the scene for Ghana new beginning of economic development.

In the beginning it was about injustice, corruption and inequalities in our country. Theis was a very tough era and tough talking much needed at that particular point in time. There was so much at stake and Ghana was desperate to steer its ship against the waves of the ocean the right direction to avoid hitting any missiles in the wide world. Rawlings came with his team others to steer Ghana back on it the straight direction.

Management Gurus, for example, John McGregor calls it as the X theory way of leadership which we saw demonstrated in Ghana in the aerly years of the PNDC Government, which meant one followed a strict rule for while. Then we went into the Y Theory which was a bit relax way of facilitating a new development and laying of good foundations with the international world, and our neighbours. When our former President Rawlings used these principles later on Ghanaians were empowered to explore the world and the sky was our limit. Eventually , this put Ghana of course for the 2000 elections.

The attitude of Ghanaian reflecting on this era is a mixed bag to some, however some of us have had a tough time during the transformation . We are aware that it was going to be tough and then better. Nothing comes cheap anyway. We are very grateful to our former President Jerry John Rawlings and his contributions for Ghana during a rather difficult time in Ghana.

Former President paved the way for a new Ghana when he led a smooth handing over power to an Opposition party after over 20 years of ruling Ghana. This alone set Ghana on a different stage on the road to another era of our transformation.

Ghana has benchmarked the process of handing power to an opposition party.

From then on, the former President Rawlings watched with a bit uneasiness Ghana’s developments and the shortcoming of the Opposition party at arm ‘s length.

The outgoing President John Kuffour also took Ghana further to our development although he forge the links more with the international world which was excellent however this was to detriment of our domestic affairs. This stage in Ghana was like the Japanese way of doing things that is enabling and encouraging people to develop and be innovative. What we need to understand is that any idea a ruling Government initiates is important however the timing of its implementation may not be right at a given point of our development until at a later stage of our development.

Ghanaians have seen some further developments and other progress during the NPP rule of Ghana. However Ghanaians are now politically astute and those in Ghana and Diaspora have been critically observing the development progress as they long to see every school equipped with ICT facilities and children offered opprunities after High School.

The handing over power ceremony again last week was even splendid with both former President Rawlings and Kuffour looking on as President elect Atta Mills takes the Oath.

One wonders what was going through the minds of both former Presidents as the saw the process from a different perspectives this time round.

The icing on the cake for Ghana was to see Nana Akuffo –Addo, other parties leaders and other dignitaries on the 7th January 2009 who also graced the occasion.. The day unified Ghana as one people, with tune and above all one hymn sheet to sing from.

One question that one would request is that for the two former President to unite behind our new President Atta Mills as the journey out there is greater for him alone. United we stand as Ghanaians and all hands need to be on board ship that is our talents, skills and knowledge. We need to explore the techniques of talent management.

History was made though when Ghanaians saw both former Presidents at President elect Atta Mills’s inauguration.

Ghanaians are urging our two super Powers to pull all energies together as synergy to improve our economic development. In order for this to happen we need a reconciliation of both former Presidents and Atta Mills is best placed for foster this new beginning. It would to great to see Former Presidents having a one off dinner not only to enhanced President elect Prof. John Atta Mills term in office. Ghanaians love peace and we are assured that the current Government would bring all Ghanaians together as one tapestry in order to perform in economic terms to see any dividends.

Ghana is now set to generate brilliant opportunities for its youths. The future of Ghana is to become a world class country, a role model for the whole wide world.

Columnist: Bolus, mercy Adede