
China’s Success: A Ghanaian Perspective

Mon, 18 Oct 2010 Source: The Emperor

Nobody saw it coming, not even the United States or Europe. As a matter of fact, nobody expected that, one day--the Chinese would take over the global market. For years, the capitalists propagated the false notion that communism was a failure. Socialism was battered to the ground. The collapse of the Soviet Union, more or less, sent a signal to the world that communism was over and done. After the demise of the Soviet Union, everybody was expecting countries like, China, Cuba, and North Korea to follow suit. Well, how miscalculated this unrealistic expectation. You see, the Soviet Union didn’t collapse because of communism, on the contrary. The country collapsed when it failed to be a communist country. Meaning, as opposed to taking care of the people, the Soviet leaders became military centred. Rather than attending to the needs of the people, they were more interested in creating weapons and sophisticated war machines. In short, they were more interested in becoming a world military super power than anything else. As consequence, billions, if not trillions of dollars, went into the arms race with the United States.

One day, to their utter surprise, the Soviets woke up to discover that they had more weapons than bread to eat. The Soviet leaders, as opposed to minding the Soviet economy, had left it in neglect. Poverty quickly ensued due to the absence of money in the dysfunctional Soviet economy. Most naturally, something had to give. Thus, the beginning of the fall of the mighty Soviet empire. In comparison to the Soviet Union, the Chinese were interested in creating an economy, which would engulf the whole world. In fact, from the word go, the Chinese had but one agenda. The agenda was; global economic domination. And the question was; how do we go about achieving this? You see, a country, which cannot market itself, is doomed. So, what did the Chinese do? Well, they began sending their sons and daughters to the West to learn. Mind you, not to learn about the Western culture, or its so-called democracy and capitalist system--absolutely not. These brilliant students were sent to learn how to manufacture what’s bought and sold in the West. So that, upon their return, these students could manufacture these commodities in China. How brilliant the idea.

Today, the results speak for themselves. The Chinese have done the unthinkable. They have taken over the world’s economy. Monies are coming from all angles, and Chinese banks are lending monies to countries in need, including the mighty United States. Yes, the mighty United States, which helped cripple Ghana’s economy. They were against Dr Nkrumah for pursing scientific socialism, a close relative of communism. Now, the same United States, which ridiculed communism, is at the feet of communist China begging for a hand-out. Folks, isn’t it something? What China has achieved with its global market-economy isn’t a miracle. It’s called strategic planning embedded in scientific socialism. Of course, China’s success could be copied--anything could be copied. In order for Ghana to successfully copy this formula, the country must unite under a one party system and strategically plan out its future. Mind you, we need to play as a team if we are to conquer the world. In South America, for instance, most of the countries over there are abandoning the ideology of multiparty-ism.

Countries like Venezuela, Brazil, and Argentina are embracing the one-party system. Simply because; one-partyism allows a country to strategically plan ahead on a long term basis. Also, noticeably, most of these countries are embracing socialism, not capitalism--as the only way forward. For those of you who don’t know, we Africans are socialist. For years, our families have been structured on this very concept. Our uncles take care of their nieces and nephews. Married husbands extend their goodness to their wives’s family. In essence, we are communal people. So, in fact, the word communism shouldn’t sound strange to us at all. Mind you, the Europeans aren’t like us. They are selfish when it comes to family. As a result, they have created a system, which reflects their way of life. This system is called capitalism. In it, it’s each one for him/herself, just like the European way of life. Sadly, colonialism has caused us to trade socialism for capitalism. The opposite of what we truly are. Hence, our numerous socio-economic woes and predicaments. It’s time, therefore, that we abandon the system of our former colonizers. Capitalism isn’t rooted in our African tradition, but socialism is.

Welcome 2 the Dawn!

Source: The Emperor

Columnist: The Emperor