
Chris Alalbila Of Gbc And The People’s Land ...

Wed, 11 Aug 2010 Source: Ngminisun, Alhassan

... In The Upper West Region

I write as a community member of Jujeidayiri who wants the entire world to know the truth about the disputed piece of land that GBC is currently situated and the role Chris Alalbila is playing to usurp our land.Those of you who do not know Chris Alalbila,he is a Kusasi man from Bawku who wants to create the same problem that Bawku is faced with in the Upper East Region.He was a matermind who was behind the changing of Bawku district to Kusasi district,until the revolutionary leaders of chairman Rawlings wanted to eliminate him,and he run to take cover in the Upper West Region as a reporter in the region.Am saying this because we were in Bolgatanga with him when he was a repoter there.And like we said in our press conference”Upper West cannot continue to pride themselves as the most peaceful region of the north”.That is why we the people of Jujeidayiri community will contnuously blame GBC for planting Chris Alalbila in one region for over twenty years.

We are registering our protest from the way and manner Chris Alalbila handled the affairs of the land.We are neighbours,and if he were to be an averagely good administrator as GBC wrongly placed him there,the first thing he should have done would have been contacting community elders to see how best we can handle the situation.But the usual Chris Alalbila showed gross disrespect to everybody and started the project without contacting community members.That is a very big shame to him and the GBC.This is a complete nonsensical piece.We are outraged by his behavior and we have already told the world that this battle of the land will be fought till the last man dies in our community.What Chris Alalbila does not know is that some of our educated community members come on air to talk for the progress of the station.And this association,apart from GBC being our on land,we have a very good knowledged about he Chris Alalbia.

Our understanding is that he Chris now is a house owner in Wa,thanks to his association with the NPP. Is he saying that anybbody can just walk straight to his house and start building even a container for a shop?We want to warn Chris Alalbila to know that Upper West Reion WILL NEVER BE LIKE BAWKU AS HE IS TRYING TO CREATE A SIMILAR SITUATION HERE.We are told that there was not even a selective tendering to the project,Chris Alalbila handpicked his own contractor to do the job.At a time the governmennt is shouting about procurement law,Chris Alalbila and his cohorts are busy flouting the laws of the country.We the community members want Chris Alalbila out of the region,that is BEFORE ANY negotiation can even be thought of as solution to the disputed piece of land.Some weeks back,a young man came to us to negotiate about the trouble,that is an excellent move.He tells us that he is the new regional director.By his approach,we believe we could have sanitised the situation.GBC is claiming to have title deeds to the land well and good,they should keep it to themselves and please corrupt people like Chris Alalbila,WE SHALL FIGHT FOR WHAT IS DUE US,AFTER ALL WHO GAVE THE LAND TO GBC?IS NOT THROUGH THE WISDOM OF OUR ELDERS?

I stated in my earlier submission that Chris were the very people who are fannining the Bawku conflict to satisfy their whims and caprices.Some of us the community members who stayed in Bolga are very much aware of his activities.If GBC ATLEAST WANTS US TO LISTEN TO THEIR SIDE OF THE STORY,EVIL MINDED PEOPLE LIKE CHIRS ALABILA MUST BE SENT OUT OF THE REGION,BEFORE WE CAN EVEN SAY WE WANT TO TALK ABOUT THE LAND.OTHERWISE THEY SHOULD FORGET IT.We have stated that we are prepared to lay down our lives in this just course of securing our land from the clutches of evil men like Chris Alalbila who has “over stayed his visa”in the Upper West Region.We want GBC to know that the quarrel is not between GBC and our community members,but the likes of Chris Alalbila who have no respect for elders must be uprooted from the region in our forward march to wards developing our country.




Columnist: Ngminisun, Alhassan