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Congratulation Methodists- Arise And Shine

Sun, 28 Oct 2007 Source: Gyamfi, Michael

The Camp Meeting of the Ghana Methodist Churches in the North America has come and gone. The consensus is that it was a big success. The way it was organized and the participation is a big plus to the organizers. We hope future events will see an improvement over this. Now the flame is kindled, let us keep it burning. Another achievement is the introduction of the maiden issue of the METHODIST HERALD FOR BUILDERS (MHB). Let us all support and sustain this laudable effort by some distinguished members of our family.

This writer is more enthused about a particular decision taken. This is the decision to create a definite identity and establish ourselves as true Ghana Methodist Churches with our direct bond to the Ghana Conference. About sixteen societies that attended, ten gave a definite indication that they opt to be with the Ghana Conference. In the least, the Conference, the Ministers and the Laity have a lot to gain if what the initiators are planning could be carried through.

It is no secret that the biggest headache of the Ghana Conference is the Ministers who do not return for what ever reason they come here. As expressed by a member in the hierarchy, this has made it difficult to send Ministers over for further studies. Secondly, it has been difficult to release Pastors to come and shepherd the flock here. Once they get here, there seem to be no control. As suggested by the laity, a fully fledged and recognizable Diocese could be the control body, exacting accountability from the Ministers and the Churches. The cry over the ‘brain drain’ which has even hit the Pastoral sector in our Church could be curtailed. Contributions from the Societies could also be better coordinated to the benefit of Ghana.

The Presbyterian Church as matters stand now has a very great potential. The rate at which they send their Ministers here for further studies bodes well for the Church. This writer is aware that of the six Presbyterian Ministers who studied at the Princeton Seminary in New Jersey last year, except one still working on his Doctorate, all returned to Ghana. This should give their Church back home the confidence to send in a fresh batch. The same cannot be said about all our Methodists Ministers. By refusing to return, the opportunities for others are blocked. Creating a Diocese could help supervise the Ministers who come to study. The student Ministers could be attached to the nearest Society where possible, and some tabs could be kept on them. They will finish and go back, thus allowing others the opportunity. The creation of a Diocese would provide the means to supervise the proper sustenance of the Ministers by the Societies too.

I reiterate the issue of the Pastors who refuse to go back, vis-à-vis the break up in Churches. Previous comments as expected did not go down well with those affected. The truth can however not be covered by any means. In the least, the writer is aware of three Methodist Churches that split up over the past two years. All of these three Churches were headed by Pastors who have issues with the Ghana Conference. It does not take a rocket scientist to make the deduction. It is in the interest of the Laity to be pastured by Ministers who are subservient to a Control body. We should not forget that the Pastors are humans. The Pastors being independent, leads to the temptation of assuming more than what they really are, humans. Creating a Diocese could guarantee a direct service and assistance from the Church if the need should arise for a member back home.

Serving in fellowship with a common bond, beside our bond in the Lord is a great incentive.

This is but a few of the benefits which should spare us on to implement decisions taken at the just ended Camp Meeting and the previous meeting. Isaiah 60:1-3 should spare us on, so Brethren let us ‘Arise and Shine’.

We should be mindful that the success of the endeavors will not be in the interest of all. There will be hurdles to clear. We will have to endure any hardship and pain that will be brought in our way. We should however take our consolation and strength from 1 Corinthians 15: 57-58.

As participants return to narrate and raise the enthusiasm of their various Societies, let us all pray for our leadership, that the Lord should direct them to His will and give them the strength and support to carry through His will. Once more, CONGRATULATION.


Michael Gyamfi
(Contributor is a Steward of Ghana Emmanuel Methodist Church. Views expressed here are his personal views and in no way related to that position).

Views expressed by the author(s) do not necessarily reflect those of GhanaHomePage.

Columnist: Gyamfi, Michael