
Congratulations! Honorable Akologu

Tue, 17 Jul 2012 Source: Obeng-Aduasare, Yaw

It was very intriguing toread the article, entitled, “ Okudzeto Did Not Undermine Me – Former Minister”,which appeared on the Ghanaweb, dated, July 14, 2012. The pronouncements byHonorable John Atia Akologu, the former statutory Minister of Information inthe above article depicts a man who is well-bred by his parents and thecommunity where he was brought up. In fact, his dictum portrays a gentlemanamong gentlemen.

This writer applauds thediplomatic niceties of the Honorable Akologu as a communicator and he hassucceeded in communicating the truth to the whole wide-world about how Mr. Samuel Okudzeto Ablakwa became aspokesperson for Isofoton, a foreign company which has a Debt-Payment Case against the Republic Of Ghana pending inthe High Court of Ghana while Mr. Ablakwa is still holding himself up as theDeputy Minister of Information for the Republic of Ghana.

The Honorable Akologuposits that his Deputy Minister, Mr.Ablakwa erred in principle by communicating with the Statutory Attorney General,Mr. Martin Amidu without his knowledge.In his interview with CitiNews reporter, It reads, “Honorable Akologu said although Mr.Ablakwa was wrong to have withheld the subject matter from him during his time atthe Information Ministry, it would be wrong to say that his Deputy underminedhis authority”.

At this juncture, it mustbe made clear to Honorable Akologu that Mr. Ablakwa has disrespected him as hissuperior by usurping his authority asthe Statutory Minister of Information. Mr. Ablakwa undermined his authority bycommunicating with the Statutory Minister of Justice and Attorney General, The Honorable Martin Amidu on official duties without his consent. It is evident here thatMr. Ablakwa,s behavior is tantamount toinsubordination and he has a hidden agenda to sabotage his work as the Ministerof Information. The notorious act of insubordination by Mr. Ablakwa is subjectto an immediate termination of his appointment and the President of theRepublic must remove the young man from his post before he plunges his administrationinto further chaos.

The reason of the DeputyMinister of Information, Mr. Ablakwa communicating with The Honorable, MartinAmidu is in the public domain. Mr. Ablakwa has admitted communicating withHonorable Amidu on behalf of Isofoton S A without the knowledge of hissuperior, Honorable Akologu. It can now be concluded without the reasonabledoubt that Mr. Ablakwa had a sinister motive for intervening on behalf ofIsotofon SA by persistently trying to coarse the Learned Legal Illuminati, TheHonorable Martin Amidu to make an out of court settlement in the sum of $1.3m infavor of his foreign agents, Isotofon SA at the detriment of the Good People ofGhana. Mr. Ablakwa has the motive to collect the crumbs that falls under the table;he must put an end holding himself up as the Deputy Minister of Information forthe Republic of Ghana. He does not serve the interest of Mother Ghana butrather the interest of Isofoton SA. He must resign now! REV. YAW OBENG-ADUASARE, Mdiv. STATEN ISLAND, NEW YORK

Columnist: Obeng-Aduasare, Yaw