
Coronavirus: Global response is the answer but politicians, policy makers in Africa need to change cause

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Thu, 2 Apr 2020 Source: Dr. J.B. Yangyuoru

Coronavirus plague is a great equalizer. Regardless of social status, everyone the world over is concerned with the bare essentials of life: Something to eat (food), something to drink (water) and to be able to go to toilet decently (toilet paper).

You cannot get toilet paper to buy in most developed countries now because people have bought large amounts to be able to stay at home and carry out these 3 essentials as long as COVID 19 plagues the world. Owners of private aircraft and helicopters cannot fly to where they would have loved to be. Those with over 30 different cars, cannot drive anywhere. They are parked!!!

Whilst we struggle with this disaster, I think it’s also time for us to reassess what we really need. Lombardy in Italy where COVID -19 has hit the hardest is home to the rich of the richest in Europe. Yet, COVID-19 has not sparred them. 3 Months ago, most of us thought, it was a problem far away in China.

Today we have it at our doorsteps yet the world cannot learn anything. Countries are responding nationally, that will only work for a short period. We need beyond the national responses, a concerted global strategy. For 5 days in a roll, China has not recorded any new infection in Mainland China but new diagnoses there continue to be made from people who visit China now from other countries. This should inform us that countries that would succeed would sooner than later be re-infected from visitors from other countries. The closure of borders cannot be forever!!!

This is where I expect WHO to sit up and come out with a global strategy. We are missing precious time in the fight against this virus.

Politicians and Policy Makers in Africa need to change cause:

The world powers invest billions yearly producing weapons to destroy mankind yet simple things like face masks to save lives the whole world is on its knees! Short in supply. The priority of every Country now is to save their own citizens. No wonder Germany has at this moment banned the export of all medical products! Ghana and Africa at large where almost everything is imported stand greatly disadvantaged and helpless. Politicians have refused to develop functional health systems because they can always fly abroad for treatment. This time it wouldn’t work!

I am hopeful that coronavirus crisis would be a wakeup call for them and for each and every one of us. We cannot continue this way!!! I am expecting a change, a drastic change in the world order post corona War. Ghana with a population of about 30 million people has just 67 functioning ventilators. A Ventilator now cost 50.000 dollars because of the high demand for them now. Before this Coronavirus crisis, ventilators were sold at 20.000 dollars.

With the 195 confirmed cases, if 70 of them would need intensive care, we’re already finished. We would be in trouble. Yet our politicians drive V8 Toyota Landcruisers around and other very expensive cars. One V 8 Landcruiser cost 88.000.00 dollars. The price of one of these cars could buy at least 4 Ventilators!

It is time they move beyond the rhetoric and begin to act in the interest of the larger population

and for that matter in their own interest.

Columnist: Dr. J.B. Yangyuoru
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